NUFFIC Short Courses Scholarships 2022: The Netherlands Organisation for International Cooperation in Higher Education (NUFFIC), funded within the Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) are available for short courses at The Hague Academy.
Application Deadline: 28th September 2021
Eligible Countries: Eligible NFP Countries (see list below)
To be taken at (country): The Hague Academy, Netherlands
About the Award: Nuffic is a Dutch non-profit organisation which offers scholarships for training courses in The Netherlands. These scholarships seek to develop and strengthen the skills and abilities of professionals, in order to enable their organisations and communities to succeed in an ever-changing world. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs funds the Nuffic Scholarship programme.
The NUFFIC Short Courses Scholarships for short courses at The Hague Academy (OKP, MSP and StuNed) cover the tuition fee, return flights (from an international airport to Amsterdam), insurance, and accommodation, in addition to a small Daily Subsistence Allowance. Follow the links below to find out more about the scholarship programmes available, the application deadlines and the application procedures.
NUFFIC Short Courses scholarship programmes
Orange Knowledge Programme
The Orange Knowledge Programme is a Dutch global development programme. The programme was kicked off mid-2017 for 5 years and involves 38 countries.
The objective of the Orange Knowledge Programme is to contribute to society’s sustainable and inclusive development by strengthening the skills and knowledge of both individuals, groups of individuals and organisations.
The key priorities for the programme are Food and nutrition security, Water, energy and climate, Sexual and reproductive health and rights, and Security and the rule of law. Cross-cutting themes relevant to all activities of the programme include Private Sector Development, Climate, and Gender and Inclusive Development (with specific attention to marginalised and discriminated groups). For more information about OKP Scholarships and the priority themes per country, please click here.
- Open and upcoming application deadlines
- Application procedure
Due to the current international situation with COVID-19, the Orange Knowledge Scholarship Programme is currently under revision. We expect that a series of changes will be implemented, which could include a.o. a shift in key focus areas, adjusted deadlines etc. We advise you to proceed with your application according to the procedure on the scholarship page. Once we have more information, we will update you regarding the new programme conditions. We are not in a position to provide a deadline but all completed applications will be informed. The MENA Scholarship Programme remains unchanged.
MENA Scholarship Programme
The MENA Scholarship Programme aims to contribute to the democratic transition in one of the 10 participating countries in the Middle East and North Africa region. It also seeks to build capacity within organisations by enabling employees (45 years and younger) to participate in short courses in various fields of study. For more information about the MENA Scholarship Programme, please click here.
(Applicants from Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon are eligible for both OKP and MSP Scholarships. If you are 45 years or younger then we recommend you apply for the MSP Scholarship.)
- Open and upcoming application deadlines
- Application procedure
Available Courses:
For NUFFIC Short Courses Scholarships, there are three application deadlines per year:
Deadline 28 September 2021 (Registration opens 18 August 2021)
Early bird deadline: Applicants who submit their applications before 14 September 2021 will benefit from our early assessment and advice for adjustments, if necessary.
- Inclusive Service Delivery and the SDGs (2022)
- Citizen Participation and Inclusive Governance (2022)
- Urban Governance: Resilient and Smart Cities (2022)
- Climate Adaptation and Local Resilience (2022)
Deadline March 2022 (Registration will open around February 2022) (provisional dates)
- Integrity and Anti-corruption (2022)
- Multilevel Water Governance (2022)
- Local Economic Development (2022)
- Migration and Local Authorities (2022)
- Conflict, Rule of Law and Local Security (2022)
- Gender Responsive Governance (2022)
- Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Finance (2023) (ONLY for the MENA Scholarship Programme MSP).
Deadline June 2022 (Registration opens April 2022)
- Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Finance (2023) (ONLY for the Orange Knowledge Scholarship Programme OKP)
Type: Short Courses
Eligibility: There is a set of criteria for each course. Go through your preferred course and do make sure to read thoroughly before applying.
Number of Trainees:
- minimum number of participants is six persons;
- maximum number of participants is 20 persons;
Value of Training: The Nuffic Scholarships for short courses at The Hague Academy (OKP, MSP and StuNed) cover the tuition fee, return flights (from an international airport to Amsterdam), insurance, and accommodation, in addition to a small Daily Subsistence Allowance.
Duration of Training: 2-3 weeks
Eligible Countries:
The countries are divide in 2 categories:
- Full-programme countries or ‘category A’ countries: in these countries, all instruments are available (with the exception of Indonesia).
- Compact-programme, or ‘category B’ countries: in these countries there are no institutional collaboration projects. All the other instruments are available in these countries.
Below is an overview of the countries participating in the NUFFIC Short Courses Scholarships:
Category A | Category B |
Bangladesh | Afghanistan |
Benin | Burkina Faso |
Burundi | DR Congo |
Colombia | Guinea |
Egypt | Guatemala |
Ethiopia | Lebanon |
Ghana | Liberia |
Indonesia (no scholarships) |
Niger |
Iraq | Nigeria |
Jordan | Senegal |
Kenya | Sierra Leone |
Mali | Somalia |
Mozambique | South Sudan |
Myanmar | Sudan |
Palestine Territories | Suriname |
Rwanda | Yemen |
South Africa | Zambia |
Tanzania | |
Tunisia | |
Uganda | |
Vietnam |
Please note: always check the specific call on available instruments and eligible countries.
How to Apply for NUFFIC Short Courses Scholarships: Apply via courses’ individual Links
Visit NUFFIC Short Courses Scholarship Webpage for details
Please note that the OKP list of eligible countries has been adjusted.