Felix Trust Masters Scholarship 2022/2023 for Students from Developing Countries – University of London

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Felix Trust Masters Scholarship: Thanks to the generosity of the Felix Scholarship Trust, one Felix Scholarship will be available to a national from a developing country with a first class undergraduate degree to pursue a Taught Masters programme for entry in September 2022.

Application Deadline: 28th January 2022.

Offered annually? Yes

Eligible Countries: Developing countries

To be taken at (country): The University of London School of African Studies (SOAS), UK

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About Felix Trust Masters Scholarship: This scholarship is aimed primarily at candidates who are  nationals of Sub-Saharan African countries living in their country of origin.

Eligible Programmes

  • Any SOAS taught masters programme.
  • Part-time programmes are not eligible.

Type: Masters


  • Felix Trust Masters Scholarship Candidates must be nationals of a developing country and not currently be living or studying outside of their country. This scholarship is aimed primarily at candidates who are nationals of Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Palestine territories (West Bank and Gaza) who are living in their country of origin.
  • Candidates must not have previously studied for one year or more outside of their country.
  • Candidates must have a first class Bachelor’s degree from a University or comparable institution.
  • Candidates who already hold a Master’s degree cannot apply for a Master’s degree scholarship.
  • Candidates must demonstrate financial need.
  • Graduates are expected to return to work in their home country.
  • Candidates must have submitted a complete application for admission by the scholarship closing date of 15:00 (GMT) on 28 January 2022.
  • Candidates must have an offer of admission by the time shortlisting takes place on 14 February 2022. We may give priority to applicants with an unconditional offer of admission.
  • Applicants must meet the English language condition of their offer of admission to study at SOAS as soon as possible but no later than 1 June 2021. If your offer is conditional on English, please arrange your English test and ensure you meet the English requirements as soon as possible.
  • Please note that most scholarships do not cover funding or even allow for Pre-sessionals. Please check the wording of your scholarship offer carefully to see if you are eligible for a Pre-sessional course or whether you need to achieve SOAS direct entry scores by the deadline specified in your scholarship terms and conditions.

Selection of  Felix Trust Masters Scholarship Candidates: 

  • Candidates will be assessed on academic merit by an Advisory Panel, consisting of three academic members. Financial need is also relevant.
  • The assessment of your application will be based on the information provided in your scholarship application and in your on-line admission application for admission. Selectors will be looking at the degree results and also at academic references, statement and other relevant information.
  • Only those who have been accepted for admission will be considered for short listing by the SOAS Selection Panel.

Number of Awardees: 1

Value of Felix Trust Masters Scholarship: The Felix Scholarship covers the full cost of tuition fees; living costs and a return air fare.

Duration of Scholarship: Duration of programme

How to Apply for Felix Trust Masters Scholarship: You must follow two steps:

STEP 1:  Apply for your programme
Applicants must submit a COMPLETE on-line application for admission. Applicants must have submitted a complete admission to a Master’s programme at SOAS by the scholarship application deadline, 28 January 2022. A complete application for admission includes transcripts, an explanation of the grading system for any degree obtained outside of the UK, two references, CV, and a personal statement. The panel will be considering your scholarship application TOGETHER with your online application for admission.  Please note that complete application for admission can take up to 4 weeks to be considered by the Department, although this duration can vary depending on the time of year.  You should be prepared to wait up to 6 weeks in busy periods.

STEP 2:  Apply for the scholarship
You must apply for this scholarship via the online Felix Non-Indian Scholarship application form. Please submit no later than 15:00 (GMT) on 28 January 2022.

Online Felix Non-Indian Scholarship Application Form

Visit Scholarship Webpage for details

Award Provider: The donor for the Felix Scholarship wishes to remain anonymous.  The administration of the Scholarship is conducted by the three partner universities (SOAS University of London, University of Oxford and University of Reading), with the support of the Felix Trustees and their agents in London.


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