FAO-Hungarian Government Scholarship 2023/2024: The FAO-Hungary scholarship programme enables a select group of young professionals to undertake master’s level studies in English at one of Hungary’s agricultural universities.
Application Deadline: 28th February 2023
Offered annually? Yes
Eligible Countries: Residents (who must be nationals) of the following countries are eligible to apply for the Scholarship Programme:
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo1, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, North Macedonia, Madagascar, Mali, Myanmar, Republic of Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Namibia, Nigeria, North Korea, State of Palestine, the Philippines, Republic of Cabo Verde, Serbia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen.
To be taken at (University): The following universities in Europe are participating:
- Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Buda Campus, Budapest
FAO-Hungarian Government Scholarship Fields of Study: The following Master of Science degree courses are being offered in English for the 2023-24 Academic Year: Food safety and quality engineering (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences)
Also SEE:
- Hungary Scholarship Program for Christian Young People 2023/2024
- Hungary: University of Debrecen International Scholarship 2023/2024 for Developing Countries
- Stipendium Hungaricum (Government of Hungary) Scholarships 2023/2024 for International Students
- Masters in Hungary? What you need to know
- Study and Work in Hungary – All You Need to Know
Type: Masters
Eligibility: Candidates will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
- Citizenship and residency of one of the eligible countries
- Excellent school achievements
- English language proficiency (for courses taught in English)
- Motivation
- Good health
- Age (candidates under 30 are preferred)
Selection Procedure: The FAO-Hungarian Government Scholarship selection process as described below applies to scholarships beginning in September 2023.
Student selection will take place in two phases:
- Phase 1: FAO will pre-screen candidates and submit applications to the Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary that will send them to the corresponding University as chosen by the 2 applicants. Students must submit only COMPLETED dossiers. Incomplete dossiers will not be considered. Files without names will not be processed.
- Phase 2: Selected candidates may be asked to take a written or oral English examination as part of the admission procedure. The participating Universities will run a further selection process and inform each of the successful candidates. Student selection will be made by the Universities only, without any involvement on the part of FAO. Selected students will also be notified by the Ministry.
Number of Awardees: Courses will be offered provided the minimum number of students is reached.
Value of FAO-Hungarian Government Scholarship: The scholarship covers student costs only; family members are not supported within the frame of this programme.
The scholarship will cover:
- application and tuition fees throughout the study period with basic books and notes;
- dormitory accommodation;
- subsistence costs;
- health insurance.
How to Apply for FAO-Hungarian Government Scholarship: Interested applicants should prepare a dossier to be sent by E-MAIL (to [email protected]) consisting of:
- Application form duly completed
- A recent curriculum vitae
- A copy of high school/college diploma and transcript/report of study or copy of the diploma attachment
- A copy of certificate of proficiency in English
- Copies of relevant pages of passport showing expiration date and passport number
- A letter of recommendation
- Statement of motivation
- Health Certificate issued by Medical Doctor
- Certificate of Good Conduct issued by local police authority.
All submitted documents must be in ENGLISH. Documents submitted in any other language will not be accepted. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that documents are duly translated and certified by a competent office; and that each document is saved with a name that identifies what it is.
Visit Scholarship Webpage for details