If you are looking to be awarded a fellowship position or grant for your Masters/Doctorate/Post Doctorate research from Universities and organisations all over the world, take advantage of these opportunities offered between June to December 2016. These awards are offered annually and are opportunities for you to explore this year.
We have indicated the deadlines for the applications to help you stay informed on when they are to be offered this year. Take note of the deadlines and start early to prepare for the award.
1. Senior Research Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine 2017
Application Deadlines: First Application Round: 27th July 2016. Second Application Rounds: 19th September 2016 and 21st November 2016.
Wellcome Trust offers Fellowship in Public Health and Tropical Medicine for Postdoctoral students with from low- and middle-income (developing) countries, UK, 2016. This scheme enables researchers from low- and middle-income countries to establish themselves as leading investigators in their scientific field. The scheme aims to support research that will improve public health and tropical medicine at a local, national and global level.
2. Applications On for the Open Society Fellowship 2016
Application Deadline: First Application Round: 7th September, 2016. Second Application Rounds: 1st March, 2017.
The Open Society Fellowship supports individuals seeking innovative and unconventional approaches to fundamental open society challenges. The Open Society Fellowship was founded in 2008 to support individuals pursuing innovative and unconventional approaches to fundamental open society challenges. The fellowship funds work that will enrich public understanding of those challenges and stimulate far-reaching and probing conversations within the Open Society Foundations and in the world. The fellowship funds work that will enrich public understanding of those challenges and stimulate far-reaching and probing conversations within the Open Society Foundations and in the world.
3. University of CapeTown Postdoctoral Fellowship in Systems Immunology 2016
Application Deadline: 29th June 2016
University of Cape Town is inviting applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in systems immunology to conduct research on a newly funded project aimed at identifying common immune signatures and mechanisms in humans and animal models of TB. This collaborative project, funded by an RO1 grant from the US National Institutes of Health, links global leaders in immunology and systems biology at UCT, University of Washington in St. Louis and Tulane University.
4. MCDC PhD programme for African Researchers on Malaria 2016
Application Deadline: Ongoing
The MCDC PhD programme offers support to candidates of high academic calibre who have demonstrated a strong commitment to research relevant to the prevention or control of malaria. Candidates from Ghana, Malawi, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda are eligible for this fellowship. Candidates are registered for a PhD at one of the African institutions and are also linked to a European partner institution where they are co-supervised. Provision has also been made for students to spend up to one year in Europe.
5. NED Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries 2016
Application Deadline: 9th September 2016
The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program offers five-month fellowships to practitioners to focus on strategies and best practices for developing democracy in their country of interest. Projects may address the economic, political, social, legal, or cultural aspects of democratic development and include a range of methodologies and approaches.
Two different Tracks exist for participants: Practitioner Track and Scholarly Track.
6. TED & TEDGlobal Fellowship Programmes 2016 – Apply
Application Deadline: 20th November, 2016
Twice a year, the TED Fellows program opens applications to find a new class of extraordinary thinkers and doers. Though the target is usually innovators aged 21 to 40, anyone over 18 years old is encouraged to apply. Instead of business people, professionals, policy wonks and government officials, the TED Fellows program focuses on doers, makers, inventors, advocates, filmmakers and photographers, musicians and artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, NGO heads, and human rights activists.
7. The United Nations – The Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Programme 2016/2017
Application Deadline: 9th September, 2016.
On 22 April 2004, the United Nations and The Nippon Foundation of Japan concluded a trust fund project agreement to provide capacity-building and human resource development to developing States Parties and non-Parties to UNCLOS through a Fellowship Programme.
The Programme is jointly executed by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS) of the Office of Legal Affairs and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). DOALOS serves as the focal point in charge of all substantive elements of the Project. DESA, in its capacity as implementing agency for the Project, is responsible for providing certain administrative services to the Project on behalf of DOALOS.
8. 2016 University of Pittsburg Heinz Fellowship for Masters Students in Africa
Application deadline: Candidates should please check the deadline for the school and academic year they intend to apply.
Heinz Fellowships are granted to individuals from developing countries who demonstrate potential as future leaders in the public, government, non-profit, or private sectors. The goal is to improve, early in a career, a Fellow’s capacity to contribute to the development of their country and to enhance their understanding of the U.S. The Fellowship has been restructured beginning with the 2012-13 academic year to align with specific Master’s programs of Pitt professional schools. The GSC no longer directly accepts Heinz applications. Candidates that are interested in applying for the Fellowship should please contact the professional school they applied to after receipt of your acceptance.
9. Research Training Fellowship for Developing Country Scientists (RTF-DCS) 2016
Application Deadline: Friday, 17th June 2016
The Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) is presently implementing a Fellowship programme titled ‘Research Training Fellowship for Developing Country Scientists (RTF-DCS)’ to provide opportunity to young researchers of the developing countries for their capacity building in science and technology through their affiliation with premier academic and research institutions in India to carry out short-term research work. Under the programme, full financial support is provided to the research fellows for their international travel, subsistence allowance, research contingency, domestic travel in India, etc.
10. Department of Veterinary Animal and Clinical Sciences Fellowship in Denmark 2016
Application Deadline: 15th August 2016
The Department of Veterinary Animal and Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at University of Copenhagen is offering two PhD Fellowships. The positions are limited to three years. The fellowship will include research activities focused on the interplay between diet, microbiota and gut, immunity and brain in early life. The projects include work in preterm pigs that show many clinical similarities to preterm human infants. The activities aim to improve early gut, immunity and brain functions with relevant milk and microbiota interventions in early life.
11. Sir Henry Dale Fellowship for Post-Doctoral Scientists 2016 – UK
Application Deadline: 17 August 2016 (5pm) and 24 October 2016 (5pm) (See website)
The scheme supports research ranging from the molecules and cells vital to life and their role in the global spread of disease, to clinical and public health research seeking to improve the quality of healthcare. It can be based in the laboratory, clinic or field, and may involve experimental or theoretical approaches. It brings together the Royal Society and the Wellcome Trust, two of the world’s most prestigious and influential scientific organisations, in their shared commitment to supporting the future leaders of biomedical research.
12. Kofi Annan €58,000 MBA Fellowship for Developing Countries to Study at ESMT Berlin, Germany 2016/2017
Application Deadline: Application deadline is 30th of September (2016).
The Kofi Annan Business School Foundation offers fellowship grant for an emerging leader from a developing country for a one-year full-time MBA education at European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin, Germany. Upon return to their home countries, the fellows are expected to contribute to the strengthening of entrepreneurial capacity and the fostering of a stable market economy as an effective catalyst for their country’s development, job creation, and poverty alleviation.
13. University of Manchester Doctoral Prize for International Research Students 2016
Application Deadline: Monday 12 September 2016
The EPSRC Doctoral Prize is a prestigious scheme aimed at developing the very best EPSRC funded students beyond the end of their PhD and help them launch a successful career in research as potential future research leaders. Successful applicants will be expected to take their research to the next level and undertake significant new research; the Prize must not be viewed merely as an opportunity to continue/complete PhD work although continuation of specific work from the applicants’ PhD that will result in publications may be permitted.
14. Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) – Masters, PhD for Developing Countries 2016/2017
Application Deadline: 5th of July 2016
The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP), funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the budget for development cooperation, are designed to promote capacity building within organizations in 51 (previously 62) countries by providing training and education to mid-career staff. The overall aim of the NFP is to help alleviate qualitative and quantitative shortages of skilled manpower within a wide range of governmental, private and non-governmental organizations. This is done by offering fellowships to mid-career professionals to improve the capacity of their employing organizations.
15. BCFN Foundation Scholarship for Food and Nutrition Researchers 2016
Application Deadline: July 27, 2016
The BCFN Foundation has opened the research competition BCFN YES! 2016. For a grant of €20,000, researchers from across the globe are invited to put forward projects and concrete solutions on the themes of food and sustainability.
16. 2016 University of Adelaide Research Fellowship Programme
Application Deadline: 27th of June 2016
The University of Adelaide Research Fellowships Scheme is offering fellowships to scholars in their early or middle stages of their careers, who want to conduct world-class research and innovation, engage globally, and partner with industry, government and community to create high-value economic and social dividends. The University of Adelaide Research Fellowships Scheme has been established to retain, attract and support early-career and mid-career researchers of outstanding research calibre and potential. The Scheme supports the University’s research strategy, Adelaide Research for Impact, by promoting and building capacity in research excellence and innovation.
17. Bio-techne – R&D Systems Science Scholarship Scheme 2016
Application Deadline: 8th of July, 2016
The R&D Systems Scholarship Program will be awarded to students pursuing a degree in a science related field. A $1500 (or international currency equivalent) scholarship will be awarded twice a year for one student in the fall semester and one student in the spring semester. The main objective of R&D Systems is to provide high quality, comprehensive educational and training opportunities that are compatible to changing needs of the students. R&D Systems is proud to support education in science with a scholarship program established to students who are pursuing a degree in a science related field.
18. IMT School for Advanced Research Admission to the PhD Programme 2016
Application Deadline: 13th of July, 2016
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca is offering scholars the opportunity to undertake PhD research programs in economics, engineering, computer science, neurosciences and behavioral psychology, physics, applied physics, applied mathematics, statistics and cultural heritage.
19. Journalists: Thomson Reuters Foundation Grants for Journalists 2016
Application Deadline: 12th of July, 2016
The Thomson Reuters Foundation, in partnership with the Stanley Foundation and Gerda Henkel Stiftung, is launching a new programme which will support journalists to uncover emerging threats in specific communities, countries or regions worldwide, and bring these stories to a wide audience. Participating journalists may choose to work in pairs or small teams and work on the same story together. They may also form partnerships with researchers who take part in the seminar – many of whom have experience gathering information ‘on the ground’ – to discover new leads, incorporate another story angle, or to deepen the content they produce.
20. African Union Research Grant – Apply for Up to USD1 Million.
Application Deadline: 17th August, 2016.
The African Union Commission launches Phase 2 of the African Union Research Grants programme with an open call for proposals for Research and Innovation in Africa supported by the European Union.
This call for proposal supports Africa’s Science Technology and Innovation Strategy-2024 which addresses the aspirations identified under Agenda 2063 and Priority 3 on Human development of the EU-Africa partnership. The call supports research on: Food & Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) with particular attention on Sustainable Intensification.
21. Netaji Subhas/ICAR International Fellowships for Agriculture Scholars – India
Application Deadline: 30th of June, 2016
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is offering thirty Netaji Subhas-ICAR international fellowships for the academic year 2016-2017. These fellowships are available for pursuing a doctoral degree in agriculture and allied sciences at the recognised agricultural universities/ institutions in India and abroad.
22. Austrian Government-OeAD Ernst Mach Follow Up Grants for International Scholars 2016
Application Deadline: 1st of September, 2016
Applications are open to Post Doctorate Scholars who are pursuing research or teaching at a higher education institution / university and who were in receipt of a grant in Austria which was administered by the OeAD-GmbH (formerly ÖAD). At the time of taking up the grant at least 5 years must have passed since the last scholarship-supported study or research stay in Austria.
23. IBS Young Scientist Fellowship (YSF) – South Korea 2016
Application Deadline: 31st of July, 2016
The IBS Young Scientist Fellowship (YSF) is awarding fellowship grants to scientists from all over the world for challenging and high-risk basic research within the special nature of designated Research Centres. The goal of the fellowship is to advance the frontiers of knowledge and to train the leading scientists of tomorrow. This year, the IBS introduces a new program called “Young Scientist Fellowship (YSF)” to play an active role in fostering next-generation basic science leaders. The YSF offers opportunities for young, promising scientists to do their own basic research work in one of the IBS Research Centers while sharing ideas and utilizing our state-of-art infrastructures.
24. Nestle Nutrition Postgraduate Fellowship Program for Young Professionals – Up to 40,000CHF in Grants
Application Deadline: 1st October 2016
The Nestle Nutrition Institute Fellowship Program is offering Young professionals in healthcare the opportunity to study Nutrition and Maternal and/or Child Health in leading institutions. The Fellowship offered by Nestle Nutrition Institute regularly offers young professionals from developing countries training in research skills and knowledge on Nutrition. Since 1981, more than five hundred (5oo) doctors and scientists have benefited from this fellowship and clinical grants in different ways, which have directly impacted the health sectors of Africa and other regions.
25. Lauritzson Food Research Scholarship at the University College Cork, Ireland – Up to $28,000 in Grants
Application Deadline: 31st of July, 2016
The Lauritzson/University College Cork Research Scholarships which was established in honour of the late Dr Lauritzson, is offering scholarships to all students in an effort to promote research in food science and food-related disciplines. The scholarships aim to support students and integrate them into the academic, social and cultural aspects of University College Cork. The scholarships are targeted at high performing students who desire to undertake impactful research, even to the highest level in the broad area of food science under a supervisor or supervision team with significant experience in the area.