Fulbright Joint Supervision Scholarships 2024 for PhD Students at Moroccan Universities – USA

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The Fulbright Joint Supervision Program sends Moroccan doctoral candidates to an American university to pursue a year of study and research with an American Ph.D. co-supervisor.

Application Deadline: 15th December 2023

Eligible Countries: Morocco

To Be Taken At (Country): USA

About the Fulbright Joint Supervision Scholarships: Candidates selected under this program spend up to one full year at an American university conducting research in labs, libraries, and auditing classes under the supervision of their American co-supervisor.

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Ph.D. students interested in this program must first find an American professor willing to host them for one year.  Applications must include a letter of invitation from an American professor that clearly states the professor’s support for applicants to come and work with them at their university.

The American professor becomes an official co-supervisor along with the applicant’s Moroccan supervisor.  The American professor’s letter must express a clear commitment to supervise and guide the applicant’s doctoral work in the United States. The applicant’s Moroccan directeur de thèse must also write a letter of support expressing their participation in this grant.

Many applications reflect a previously established relationship between Moroccan and the American professors. Equally frequent are applications with the U.S. professor identified through their significance in the applicant’s field of research and the applicant having sent out emails to many such professors to find one who will write them a letter of support.

Joint Supervision grantees normally do not take courses for credit at their American host university.  Requests for courses for credit must be approved by the Commission and AMIDEAST.

The Joint Supervision grant is preferably for one round-trip to the USA, but upon request, the grant can be divided into two trips.  The minimum research time allowed under the grant is two months.

Type: PhD

Eligibility for Fulbright Joint Supervision Scholarships: 

  • Applications without commitments and authorization from both Moroccan and American professors will not be considered.
  • Applications must include an evaluation of the applicant’s dissertation proposal by both the Moroccan directeur de thèse and the American co-supervisor.
  • Candidates must submit a minimum TOEFL score of 477 for the paper-based test or an internet-based test (IBT) minimum score of 53.  Candidates in the humanities must have a minimum 500 / 61. Applicants who hold a B.A. in English Studies are exempt from this requirement.
  • Applications must include a shortened thesis proposal specifically tailoredfor this application that covers the following points:

1- the dissertation’s hypothesis and overall purpose must be stated clearly in plain English in the first few paragraphs of the modified thesis proposal;

2- how the dissertation’s thesis and research are situated in the context of current research in field, taking place in Morocco and in the world in general;

3- how the proposal relates to Morocco’s national development needs is an important element in the Selection Committee’s consideration of the proposal;

4- a brief review of the relevant literature, including an up-to-date bibliography.

Number of Awards: Not Specified

Value of Fulbright Joint Supervision Scholarships: The Joint Supervision Scholarship cover the following :

1)  A monthly stipend for a total of 12 months while at the American university, divided into two periods if appropriate.  The Joint Supervision grant covers one or two round-trips between Morocco and the American host university;

2) Reasonable charges at the American host university, subject to MACECE’s and the U.S. co-supervisor’s approval;

3) An allowance of up to $1000 for the purchase of books and materials;

4) An allowance of up to $1000 for the purchase or rental of necessary academic equipment;

5) Medical insurance covering the grantee’s period(s) of stay in the U.S.

6) MACECE also provides a round-trip ticket and per diem for the American co-supervisor to attend the PhD thesis defense of the Moroccan student and to spend up to one week in Morocco connecting with Moroccan colleagues and universities.

Duration of Programme: One year. The maximum period over which Joint Supervision is disbursed is three years.

How to Apply for Fulbright Joint Supervision Scholarships: APPLY NOW

Visit Programme Webpage for Details

Award Providers: In the USA, administration of the Joint Supervision Program and Joint Supervision students is carried out by AMIDEAST in Washington, DC.


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