Finding funding for your postgraduate academic goals is not always easy. They are rare and are not too often publicized as Masters and Bachelors scholarships. However, tens of thousands of these types of opportunities exist all over the web, especially for scholars from Africa and other developing regions.
Here are a number of opportunities now open for graduate and postgraduate scholars from Africa and other developing regions. Apply Today.
Table of Contents
Fully-Funded Rotary Peace Fellowship for Masters and Professional Programs
Rotary International offers the fully funded Rotary Peace Fellowship for Masters Degree and Professional Development Certificate for young professionals around the world.
Application Deadline: 31st May
Structural Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Spaces (STAARS) Fellowship Program for Early-Career African Researchers
The Structural Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Spaces (STAARS) fellowship program managed by Cornell University in collaboration with the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) and other partners announces a call for concept proposals from early-career African researchers seeking to become STAARS fellows.
Application Deadline: 15th March
Call for Papers: World Bank Conference on Africa (Funded to Stanford University, USA)
The World Bank Group, in association with the Stanford Committee, is calling for papers examining the challenges and opportunities of firms’ productivity in Africa.
Application Deadline: 23rd February
Employment-Based Scholarship Postgraduate Programme for International Students in IrelandÂ
Supporting suitably qualified research master’s and doctoral candidates in any discipline working in partnership with academia and industry while employed by an enterprise partner.
Application Deadline: 12th April
Africa Oxford (AfOx) Visiting Fellows Program for African Scholars (Fully-funded by University of Oxford)
The program supports African scholars and researchers working in any discipline to spend periods of flexible time in Oxford, for example, sabbatical leave to utilize library or other university facilities or undertaking or planning collaborative research with Oxford-based colleagues.
Application Deadline: 11th March
African Leadership Centre (ALC) Peace and Security Fellowship for African Women
The ALC is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Peace and Security Fellowship for African Women.
Application Deadline: 8th April
African Leadership Centre (ALC) Peace, Security & Development Fellowships for African ScholarsÂ
The ALC is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Peace Security & Development Fellowships for African Scholars.
Application Deadline: 8th April
Call For Applications: Kwame Nkrumah Chair in African Studies
The University of Ghana, Legon, is pleased to invite applications for the position of Kwame Nkrumah Chair in African Studies.
Application Deadline: 31st March
Short-Term Visiting Scholars Program at Michigan State University for Nigerian Scholars
Building on the capacity strengthening component of the project, several short-term graduate student visiting scholar positions for Nigerian students at the Master and PhD levels will be offered at Michigan State University (MSU), East Lansing, Michigan, United States of America, over the 5-year life of the project.
Application Deadline: 28th February
European University Institute (EUI) Policy Leaders Fellowships for Young Policy Professionals
The School of Transnational Governance (STG) at the European University Institute (EUI)Â is offering fellowships to early- and mid-career policy professionals for the academic year 2018-2019.
Application Deadline: 22nd February
Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) Fellowships for Students in Developing Countries to Study in The Netherlands
The Orange Knowledge Programme, a new phase of the Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP), aims to advance the development of the capacity, knowledge, and quality of both individuals and institutions in higher and vocational education.
Application Deadlines: Deadlines vary by choice of institution.
KAAD Germany Research Fellowship Programme (Masters & PhD) for Developing Countries
KAAD is working with partner countries in the regions mentioned below to provide scholarship opportunities to citizens who are interested in research. There are so-called Partner Committees in these countries and applications are channeled via them. Note that applications from other countries can be considered only in exceptional cases.
Application Deadline: 30th June
LSHTM Postgraduate Training Fellowship in Medical Statistics for African Scientists
Two fellowships, funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) and GSK, respectively, provide support for two years of training in medical statistics.
Application Deadline: 13th April
UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Program for Developing Countries
In line with the strategy and objectives of the approved UNESCO Programme and Budget for the Fellowships Programme Section, the UNESCO Category II International Center for Sustainable Energy Development (ISEDC) in Moscow (Russian Federation) is offering twenty (20) fellowships of four weeks (4)Â duration each.
Application Deadline: 3rd April
Apply: Harvard South Africa FellowshipÂ
Beginning with the MBA Class of Harvard Business School (HBS) will offer a Global Opportunity Fellowship (GO: Africa) to supplement the income of MBA graduates who go on to work in Africa following graduation.
Call for Applications: IMU-Simons African Fellowship Program (Fully-funded)
Thanks to a generous donation by the Simons Foundation, NY, the Commission for Developing Countries (CDC) of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) is launching the IMU-Simons African Fellowship Program to support research visits of mathematicians living and working in developing countries in Africa.
Application Deadlines: 1st June and 1st October
FUNAGIB Scholarship for African Students Working on Cassava (Fully-funded to Brazil)
FUNAGIB offers three scholarships annually to postgraduate students working with cassava breeding. One of these is dedicated to an African student, while the other two are designated to Brazilians.
Application Deadline: 31st March
East Africa Social Science Translation (EASST) Visiting Fellowship for East African StudentsÂ
The East Africa Social Science Translation (EASST) Collaborative offers a Visiting Research Fellowship in the field of social science for applicants from East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, or Rwanda) at the University of California, Berkeley.
Application Deadline: 30th March
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Scholarship Research Program for Students in Developing CountriesÂ
The MSC Scholarship Research Program is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students studying problems and solutions in fisheries science and management and the integrity of the seafood supply chain.
Application Deadline: 16th March
Cambridge-Africa Molecular Lab Training Workshop (Scholarships available for African students to attend at Cambridge University)
Scholarships are available to sponsor outstanding PhD students (involved in agricultural . research in Africa) to participate in our world-class Molecular Lab Training Workshop at the University of Cambridge in September 2018.
Application Deadline: 9th April
College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) PhD by Research Programme in Humanities and Social Sciences (Fully-funded)Â
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) at Makerere University has received financial support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to strengthen doctoral training in order to mentor the next generation of Humanities and Social Sciences researchers and scholars at Makerere University. Additionally, this intervention will establish a critical mass of homegrown and supervised PhDs using a cohort-based doctoral training model.
Application Deadline: 16th February
Call for Applications: Postdoctoral Fellowships on Innovative Methods and Metrics for Agriculture and Nutrition Actions (IMMANA) for Developing Countries
For 2018-19, IMMANA will award six 12-month post-doctoral fellowships to early career researchers who are using and developing or adapting these new methodological approaches with mentors in ongoing research programmes in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Application Deadline: 1st March
Thailand International Postgraduate Scholarship and Training Program for Developing Countries
As part of bilateral and triangular development cooperation projects, the Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) offers over 700 training fellowships and 70 postgraduate scholarships for government officials from developing countries around the world through the Annual International Training Course (AITC) and the Thailand International Postgraduate Programme (TIPP).
Application Deadline: Each embassy has a different deadline.
Coimbra Group Short-Term Scholarship Program for Young Researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa
Coimbra Group Universities have been providing, since 2008, young researchers from universities in Sub-Saharan Africa with the opportunity to spend a short period (1 to 3 months) at a Coimbra Group University to carry out part of their research there.
Application Deadline: 16th March
Coimbra Group Short-Term Scholarship Program for Young Researchers from European Neighboring Countries (Fully-funded for MENA Countries to apply)
Coimbra Group Universities have been providing, since 1999, young researchers from the European neighborhood with the opportunity to spend a short stay at a Coimbra Group University to carry out part of their research work.
Application Deadline: 16th March
Full-fee Doctoral College Development Africa Scholarships at Loughborough University
Every year, Loughborough University UK offers a full tuition fee Graduate School Development Trust scholarship for African students. Application for 2018/2019
Application Deadline: 30th April
WASCAL Doctoral Research Programme in Climate Change and Land Use (DRP-CCLU) (Fully-funded for study in KNUST, Ghana)
The WASCAL Doctoral Research Programme in Climate Change and Land Use (DRP-CCLU) is pleased to announce that up to 11 fully funded (tuition, stipend, research and travel grants) scholarships are available for applicants from the following eleven (11) West African countries to study for a PhD in Climate Change and Land Use at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.
Application Deadline: 28th February
Ivan Karp Doctoral Research Awards for African Students in South African UniversitiesÂ
The African Critical Inquiry Programme is pleased to announce the 2018 Ivan Karp Doctoral Research Awards to support African doctoral students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences who are enrolled at South African universities and conducting dissertation research on relevant topics.
Application Deadline: 1st May
Canada: IFCN Education and Research Scholarships for Young Clinical Neurophysiologists in Developing Countries
The IFCN is pleased to announce three education scholarships and three research scholarships for young clinical neurophysiologists for 2018.
Application Deadline: 30th March
Open Society’s Civil Society Scholar Awards for Doctoral Research Students and Faculties
The Civil Society Scholar Awards (CSSA) support international academic mobility to enable doctoral students and university faculty to access resources that enrich socially engaged research and critical scholarship in their home country or region.
Application Deadline: 31st March
Population Reference Bureau (PRB) Policy Communication Fellows Program for Individuals from Developing Countries
The Population Reference Bureau (PRB) is now accepting applications for its 2018-2019 Policy Communication Fellows Program.
Application Deadline: 12th February
Austrian Government OeAD Ernst Mach Follow-up Grants for Developing Countries
Applications for Ernst Mach follow-up Grants are open to international postdoctoral scholars who are pursuing research or teaching at a higher education institution or university.
Application Deadline: 1st September
West African Research Association (WARA) Travel Grant Fellowship for African Scholars
The WARC Travel Grant provides travel costs up to $1,500 and a stipend of $1,500 to West African scholars.
Application Deadlines: 15th March
JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme for International Students
Jointly organized by the United Nations University and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), the JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme is designed to provide promising, highly qualified, young researchers with the opportunity to conduct advanced research relevant to the main thematic focus areas of the UNU Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS, Tokyo) in cooperation with host researchers at Japanese universities and research institutions.
Application Deadline: 28th February
IITA Research Fellowships for Young Academics and Professionals ($10,000 grants for the study of Youth Engagement in Agribusiness and Rural Economic Activities in Africa)Â
IITA is pleased to announce 20 research fellowships for 2018. This is an action-oriented fellowship for young academics, professionals and students at the post-course work/research stage of their programs.
Application Deadline: 28th February
Dag Hammarskjöld Journalism Fellowships at United Nations Assembly for Developing CountriesÂ
Dag Hammarskjöld Fund for Journalists is offering Journalism Fellowships, an opportunity for African/developing countries’ journalists to experience and report United Nations Assembly in New York, USA.
Application Deadline: 12th March
ACU Commonwealth Masters Scholarships for Study in Low and Middle Income Countries
ACU Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships allow successful applicants to benefit from the expertise provided by universities in low- and middle-income countries around the Commonwealth. They are majorly funded by the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP).
Application Deadline: 11th March
RUFORUM MasterCard Masters Scholarships for African Students
The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) is partnering with the MasterCard Foundation, Gulu University, and Egerton University to enhance the application of science, technology, business, and innovation for rural agriculture.
Application Deadline: 31st March
New Zealand Development Scholarships for African StudentsÂ
New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS) give candidates from selected developing countries an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills through study in specific subject areas that will assist in the development of their home country.
Application Deadline: 14th March
IGB Freshwater Science Fellowship Programme for International Scientists
We invite excellent scientists from all countries and at different career stages to apply for a research visit at IGB. These fellowships are designed to enable outstanding scientists to contribute to research at IGB and thus further their own scientific development or training.
Application Deadlines: 1st June and 1st December
Newton International Fellowships for Early-Career Scientists
Are you at the beginning of your research career—with the potential to be world-class? Is your research in the physical, natural or social sciences or humanities? Do you want to build and maintain links with leading researchers in the UK? Then apply for a Newton International Fellowship.
Application Deadline: 27th March
University of Manchester President’s Doctoral Scholar (PDS) in Law
The University of Manchester is offering the President’s Doctoral Scholar (PDS) for meritorious students.
Application Deadline: 2nd March
Canada: CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars Programme for International Researchers (Fully-funded to Canada)
The CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars program provides funding and support to help scholars build their research networks and develop essential skills to become leaders. Note that Global Scholars are researchers within five years of their first academic appointment from anywhere in the world.
Application Deadline: 22nd February
Read Also:Â How to get loans to study in the USA and Canada