
Enter: Migration Media Award for Journalists in the MENA Region

Published by
Ifeoma Chuks
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The Migration Media Award, organized by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development, is a competition for journalists covering migration in the Mediterranean region.

Application Deadline: 31st March 2017

Offered annually?  Yes

Eligible Countries: All

About the Award: The “Migration Media Award” is an award for journalists covering migration in the Mediterranean region. Journalists or media houses from either an EU country or an EU South Partner Country (SPC) are eligible to participate by submitting together a/ an already published journalistic work that covers a migration-related topic in or around the Mediterranean, either as an entire region or in one or several Mediterranean countries b/ a pitch/synopsis for a second original production to be financed under the award scheme.

Works may be presented by a Media organisation but the prize will be awarded to the journalist that created the work, the Media organisation receiving the money and the future work that would be supported by the award would need to be done by the awarded journalist.

Type: Contest

Eligibility: The following criteria will be considered for shortlisting and selecting of award winners:

  1. The entry must have been published between 1 April 2016 and 31 March 2017.
  2. The content of the entry must be related to migration in the Euro-Mediterranean region; the Migration Media Award is limited to the Mediterranean region in terms of its regional scope.
  3. The entry must either have been published in English, French or Arabic. Submission of published work in other languages requires the production to be accompanied by a translation into English, French or Arabic.
  4. Each entry must be accompanied with a 300 word synopsis detailing the pitch for further production to be financed should it win the award.
  5. The entry must be accompanied by a form which, among others, guarantees the implementing partners of the award shared copyright with partners and ultimately, with the European Union, and the permission to republish a winning entry entirely and in multiple languages.
  6. Each entry must be accompanied by a brief description of circa 300 words detailing the reason/newsworthiness of the angle chosen and any difficulties encountered during the published production.

Selection Criteria: The evaluation of all eligible entries will take place in three languages – English, French and Arabic – and in four categories – TV, radio, print, online.

Number of Awardees: As a result of the categories, there will be 3 x 4 = 12 winners. Since a first, second and third prize are foreseen in each language and category, there will be 12 x 3 = 36 winners, generating a total of 36 winning stories.

Value of Contest: They will receive an EU-funded contract (EUR500 to EUR7,000) to produce original reporting on a migration topic in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

How to Apply: 

Visit Contest Webpage for details

Award Provider: Open Media Hub


  • Ifeoma Chuks is a naturally-skilled writer. She has written and contributed to more than 6000 articles all over the internet that have formed solid experiences for particularly aspiring, young people around the globe.

    Content Manager

This post was last modified on February 14, 2017 11:44 pm
