African Leadership Centre (ALC) Peace and Security Fellowship 2019/2020 for African Women

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 The ALC is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Peace and Security Fellowship for African Women for 2019/2020.

Application Deadline: 30th April 2019.

Offered annually? Yes

Eligible Countries: African countries

To be taken at (country): Kings College London, UK. Candidate’s home country

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About the Award: This Fellowship is an intellectual and financial award to those who are able to portray convincing demonstrable or potential capacity to bring about intellectual, policy or other change in their field. The Fellowship is a postgraduate non-degree programme, and does not lead to an academic qualification.

The Fellowships bring together African women in the early stages of their careers to undertake a carefully designed training programme in conflict, security and development. This training is followed by an attachment to an African Regional Organisation or a Centre of Excellence to acquire practical experience in the field of peace and security. It is intended that this project will train African women to develop a better understanding of African peace and security issues, in order to increase their participation in conflict management processes and other areas of security concerns for Africans.

Type: Fellowship


  • Candidates must be female citizens of African countries.
  • Successful candidates must hold valid travel documents prior to acceptance.
  • Candidates must have knowledge of, or experience of women’s rights, gender anddevelopment issues.
  • Candidates must be able to demonstrate a commitment to contribute to work on peace and security in Africa.
  • Candidates must be able to demonstrate capacity to undertake research on issues relating to peace and security in Africa.
  • Candidates must demonstrate commitment to the core values of the programme: Independent thinking; Integrity; Pursuit of Excellence; and Respect for all forms of Diversity
  • Candidates must have a relevant institutional base and be endorsed by an organisation with which they have been involved for at least two years. Exceptional candidates without such organisational ties may be given special consideration.
  • Candidates must have a demonstrable plan for how to utilise knowledge gained in the Fellowship upon return to their countries and/ or organisations.
  • Candidates must hold a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree with an equivalent level of professional experience.
  • Candidates must be fluent in spoken and written English

Number of Awardees: Not specified

Value of Fellowship: 

  • This is a fully funded opportunity, not including any visa application and processing costs. Funds will be made available to the Fellows to cover tuition, subsistence in the UK and Africa, and travel expenses related to the programme in both phases.
  • While funding will be made available to pay for accommodation, successful applicants are expected to find their own accommodation both in the UK and Africa. Fellows are strongly advised to make all necessary accommodation arrangements prior to taking up their positions on the Fellowship Programme.

Duration of Fellowship: This is a one-year Fellowship, divided into two six-month phases.

  • Phase 1: The first phase will be delivered at the ALC, Nairobi and King’s College London. During the training, the Fellows will be encouraged to engage critically with the discourse on conflict, security and development in Africa. They will also visit and study institutions working in the field of peace and security in Africa and Europe. This phase will include a simulation seminar series during which mock conflict management situations will be practiced.
  • Phase 2: In the second phase, Fellows will be attached to an African regional organisation or Centre of Excellence to undertake practical work in the field of peace and security including peace and conflict management processes.

How to Apply: Applications will be accepted Online at the following link:  Peace and Security Fellowship for African Women .

The following documents are required, before your application will be considered complete:

  • A letter of application detailing your relevant experience and qualifications.
  • A supporting statement no longer than 1,000 words, detailing why you think that this programme is important and future plans for engagement with peace and security issues.
  • 2 letters of recommendation (To be received directly from the Referees by the deadline of 23:59 hrs, 30th April 2019.)
  • Recent curriculum vitae.
  • Two writing samples ((maximum 2000 words each – example can include original research paper, extracts from dissertation, essay paper, policy paper relevant to peace and security).

All supporting documents should be submitted via the online portal. Please note that no email applications will be accepted. If you are experiencing problems with the online application portal, please contact us at [email protected] . We encourage all applicants to submit their applications early to avoid delays and failure to submit because of technical challenges.

Visit Fellowship Webpage for details

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