CARTA Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2019 for African Scholars

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To secure the future and foster the career growth of its high-achieving graduates, CARTA is offering 2019 Postdoctoral Fellowships. 

Application Deadline: 22nd February, 2019

Eligible Countries: African countries

About the Award: Two modes of post-doctoral fellowships will be considered as follows:

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  1. Full-time fellowships for 12 months, whereby the fellow will be resident at the host institution for the entire fellowship period;
  2. Split fellowships, whereby the fellow will be expected to make at most three visits of not less than three months to only one host institution over the 12-month period.

Type: Fellowship, Postdoctoral

Eligibility: Applicants must be PhD graduates of the CARTA program. They must demonstrate strong commitment to research capacity building at their institution as well as potential for research leadership.

Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of Award: The postdoctoral fellowship award will be up to a maximum of US$ 48,000 and will include travel costs, a monthly stipend of US$3,000 and funds for formation of new research collaborations and partnerships, development of pilot projects, training opportunities on specific research skills and attendance of an international conference. Due to the short-term nature of the postdoctoral research fellowship program, the fellowships will not cover accompanying dependents.

Duration of Program: 12 months

How to Apply: Applicants must contact the CARTA Secretariat to get the application form.
Applicants must submit the following documents to the CARTA Secretariat ([email protected]), and copy the same to their focal person(s):

1. A completed application form.
2. Updated CV, showing publications and awards.
3. A statement from the current employer indicating willingness to release and readmit the applicant at the end of the postdoctoral training period
4. Letters of support, from:
a) a senior academician, from your home institution, who understands your research and potential;
b) your Head of Department or Dean;
c) the prospective host institution indicating:
i. its willingness to host the applicant; and
ii. the name of the proposed mentor.
d) your proposed mentor (including his/her CV) from the host institution(s).
5. E-copies of your most significant publications over the last three years

Visit Programme Webpage for Details


  • Ifeoma Chuks is a naturally-skilled writer. She has written and contributed to more than 6000 articles all over the internet that have formed solid experiences for particularly aspiring, young people around the globe.

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