The Market for African Performing Arts (MASA), in celebrating 25 years of its existence is calling for applications for the categories of Storytelling, Dance, Stand-up Comedy, Music and Theater.
Application Deadline: 30th November 2017
Offered Annually? Yes
Eligible Countries: African countries
To Be Taken At (Country): Abidjan, Ivory Coast
About the Award: As part of the celebrations, MASA is calling for applications in the categories of music, dance, storytelling, stand-up comedy and theatre for groups that have not been named in the official selection to perform at the festival. Performance slots will be available in different districts in Abidjan as well as other cities in Ivory Coast.
MASA is a cultural development programme dedicated to the African performing arts. It consists of a market, a festival and a forum for performing arts professionals. In addition to these activities, training programmes have been developed, linked to the development of the performing arts disciplines. The first edition of MASA was held in March 1993 in Abidjan. After a seven-year break between 2002 and 2011 due to the troubled socio-political context of Ivory Coast, the festival reopened in 2014.
Offered Since: 1993
Type: Contest
- Artistic works must be less than three years old
- For the dierent categories, the member of each group, including the managerial sta, must not exceed : – 02 members for stand-up comedy – 04 members for storytelling – 08 members for contemporary dance – 10 members for music – 10 members for theater – 15 members for traditional dance Members of each group must leave from the same city to Abidjan and return to that city. Information on the departure city must be disclosed on the application.
- Light and transportable accessories on commercial ights are required
Number of Awards: Over 2000 groups are expected for 2018 Festival
Value of Award: The opportunity is offered to groups that have not yet been selected in the official selection to perform at the MASA Festival.
Duration of Program: 10th to 17th March 2018.
How to Apply: MASA 2018 applicants must send a number of documents to be eligible for selection. Find PDF document attached below for all details. You can also click here for an example of what your application should look like.
Applications can either be sent via e-mail to or by post office to Direction Générale du MASA, 17 Boulevard Roume 09 BP 2877, Abidjan 09 – Côte d’Ivoire.
Visit the Program Webpage for Details
Award Providers: The Market for African Performing Arts
Important Notes: Selected artists will be announced on 15 December. Selected groups are expected to cater for all expenses such as travel and accommodation.