The Open Society Internship for Rights and Governance (OSIRG), a joint program of OSF and the School of Public Policy at Central European University (SPP at CEU), is specifically tailored to invest in the next generation of leaders poised to pursue these ideas
Application Deadline: There will be no internship placement or Clinical Seminar for the 2020 program cycle.
Eligible Universities: Applications will only be accepted from the following universities:
- American University of Beirut, Faculty of Arts & Sciences
- Birzeit University Muwatin Institute for Democracy and Human Rights
- Harvard Kennedy School of Government
- Makerere University, Master of Arts in Human Rights
- Makerere University School of Law
- School of Public Policy at Central European University
- Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs
- The University of Chicago, Harris School of Public Policy
- University of the Andes Alberto Lleras Camargo School of Government
- University of the Andes Masters in International Law
- The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law
- The University of Hong Kong Journalism and Media Studies Centre
- University of Toronto Munk School of Global Affairs
To Be Taken At (University): Central European University, Budapest
About the Award: The Open Society Internship for Rights and Governance is a project of the Open Society Foundations that launched in the summer of 2013 in partnership with the School of Public Policy at Central European University. It is designed to inspire a new cohort of practitioners committed to working both in the public interest and at the forefront of global policy.
The highly competitive program allows a limited number of students from top public policy schools to immerse themselves in the ideas and practice of open society through a clinical seminar held in Budapest at the School of Public Policy at Central European University, followed by an 8- to 12-week intensive internship at a policy- and rights-oriented nongovernmental organization selected for its outstanding work.
Type: Internship
- Only candidates of the above schools will be accepted.
- If you are not a master’s candidate in one of the programs listed above, we cannot accept your application at this time.
Number of Awards: Not specified
Value of Award: The OSIRG program is fully funded. The cost of student travel and accommodations during the clinical seminar and internship period will be covered by OSF. The Foundations will also provide a stipend during the seminar and internship periods. The stipend is comprehensive and will include a per diem as well as visa costs, travel insurance, and currency conversion fees. In addition to funds to cover accommodations, students will also be awarded a relocation fund during the internship period. OSF will not be responsible for any costs that exceed the allocated stipend.
Duration/Timeline of Program: Please consult your university for the specific timeline.
How to Apply: Applications for 2019 participation will be released to eligible universities in fall 2018.
Download the Open Society Internship for Rights and Governance Application Guide in the Download Files section for further details. Please consult your university’s Open Society Internship for Rights and Governance point of contact for the selection timeline.
Visit the Program Webpage for Details
Award Providers: Open Society Foundations and the School of Public Policy at Central European University.