Bournemouth Uni New Media Writing Prize 2022: Bournemouth University Media and Communication Faculty has opened applications the eleventh year of its annual international celebration on New-Media storytelling – New Media Writing Prize.
Application Deadlines:
- 25th November 2022 12 noon UK time.
- or if a Student entry, by: 20th December 2022 12 noon UK time.
Eligible Countries: All
To Be Taken At (Country): United Kingdom
About the Award: The New Media Writing Prize showcases exciting and inventive stories that integrate a variety of formats, platforms, and digital media.
The prize encourages and promotes the best in new media writing and is leading the way toward the future of the ‘written’ word and storytelling. In the past six years, the NMWP has attracted entries from the very best and most innovative writers in the field.
Get the idea? The essence of new-media writing is great storytelling which uses anything and everything that digital media can offer, along with user/audience interactivity. It’s got to be something that couldn’t work in ‘old’ media.
The Chris Meade Memorial UK New Media Writing Prize: £1000 donated by if:book UK/Chris Meade, where the winner may also be a student, i.e., satisfies point d. of clause 7.
The Student Award: TBD
The Opening Up Award: £500
The Digital Journalism Award: £500 and a year’s FIPP membership
Type: Contest
Anyone can apply!
Whether you’re a student, a professional, an artist, a writer, a developer, a designer or an enthusiast, the competition is open to all. It’s also an international competition, open to all outside the UK. Entries do need to be in English.
We are looking for good storytelling (fiction or non-fiction) written specifically for delivery and reading/viewing on a PC or Mac, the web, or a hand-held device such as an iPad or mobile phone. It could be a short story, novel, poem, narrative game, documentary, or transmedia work using words, images, film or animation with audience interaction. Interactivity is a key element of new-media storytelling.
We are looking for creativity, so try to be imaginative to create an engaging story i.e. combining any number of media elements, such as words on a screen combined with images and video clips. New media writing can be created using a variety of tools i.e. a word processor, DV camera, social networking tools (i.e. Twitter), mobile phone/s, a scanner, Augmented Reality software – anything goes!
Criteria for all the categories:
Innovative use of new (digital) media/transmedia to create an engaging, satisfying fictional or non-fictional narrative, poem, or other story form.
Ease of accessibility for the reader/viewer.
Effective use of interactive elements.
A great example of how new media can do things traditional media can’t.
The potential to reach out to a wide audience (i.e. not just specialist interest groups).
Selection Criteria:
- Innovative use of new (digital) media/transmedia to create an engaging, satisfying narrative, or poem, or as-yet-unspecified form. Fiction or non-fiction.
- Ease of accessibility for the reader/viewer.
- Effective use of interactive elements.
- A great example of how new media can do things traditional media can’t.
- The potential to reach out to a wide audience (i.e. not just specialist interest groups)
Value of Award:
- elevent
How to Apply:
Each entry for any of our Prizes should be submitted via the online form.
Each entry should contain an active URL for the judges to access your work. However, if your entry is for viewing on a mobile phone, wearable, or other electronic device, please provide clear instructions on how to view your piece.
Each entry should contain the following information within the text of the entry form:
a. title of the work; clear access details, including, eg, URL, download instructions, app access code if required (if an access code is needed for an app, we require 6 free codes, for the judges)
b. entrant’s contact details: name, email address, telephone number and postal address. For joint entries, all entrants’ contact details must be provided with identification of the main entrant for contact purposes;
c. entrant’s short autobiography (50-100 words). For joint entries, all entrants must provide their autobiographies.
d. entrants who wish to submit as students must provide a proof of identity which should be copied into the entry form in the short biography section, e.g. a scan copy of entrant’s Student Union ID card or university enrolment number, which will be authenticated at the organiser’s discretion.
It is important that you read and understand the FAQ and Competition Rules. Your entry will be disqualified if you do not comply with these Rules.
Visit Program Webpage for Details