Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Follow-up Research Fellowship 2022: International students who have returned to their countries after having studied in Japan and who are currently active in education, academic research or public administration, are invited to a Japanese university to conduct joint research with relevant academics through the Japan Student Services Organization.
Application Deadline: 30th November 2022
Eligible Candidates: Returnees from Japan with nationalities of developing countries and regions
To Be Taken At (Country): Japan
About the Award: The JASSO provides the Follow-up Research Fellowship for former international students in Japan to researchers who have previously come to study in Japan from a developing country, region, etc. These fellowships are available to conduct short-term research of 60-90 consecutive days.
The fellowships aim to give an opportunity to researchers to conduct short-term research with academic advisors at universities (except junior colleges) in Japan.
Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) is an independent administrative institution established under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Type: Fellowship, Research
- Under 45 years old.
- At least one year after returning from Japan.
Number of Awards: Not specified
Value of Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Follow-up Research Fellowship:
- Round-trip Air fare and
- Daily allowance (¥11,000/day) for the recipient and
- Remuneration for cooperation (up to ¥50,000) for the research advisor
Duration of Program: 60-90 consecutive days
How to Apply for Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Follow-up Research Fellowship 2023:
- Applications must be received by November 30th, 2022. The deadline is just for JASSO. The deadline at your host university might be different. Please confirm the deadline for your host university.
- Submit both 5 printed copies of application forms(1 copy of Form1 original) and the digital file data. Please let you confirm “For University Use: Cautions When Submitting Files” by all means when you make it.
- It is important to go through all application requirements in the Award Webpage (see Link below) before applying.
Visit Program Webpage for Details