Shell Ideas360 Global Student Competition for Innovative Business Ideas 2018

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Shell Ideas360 is more than a global competition that connects students to develop ideas to tackle the pressures on the world’s Food, Water and Energy resources. It’s an exciting journey of learning and discovery. Collaborate with like-minded innovators, Shell experts and mentors to expand your horizons.

Application Deadline: 23:59 GMT on 19th January, 2018

 To Be Taken At (Country): Shell Ideas 2017/2018 winning idea will be announced at Make The Future, Live in London

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About the Award: Shell Ideas360 is a global competition for students to learn & develop innovative ideas to tackle the challenges on energy, water and food resources. Students can submit an idea and stand a chance to win an adventure!


  • Eligibility: The team of experts read and review every idea. They need to be able to assess the strength of each idea and consider how well the submission answers the following questions. To help you, Shell360 has included some guidance of what you will need to consider.
  • Novel: How novel or original is the idea? Your answer should include: What existing idea could you be compared to and why is your idea different? Why is your idea innovative?
  • Doable: How easy is it to achieve the idea? Think about How do-able, achieveable or feasible is this idea? What are the obstacles; be realistic and what would you need to deliver this.
  • Value: What benefits (business/social/etc.) would the idea deliver? What is the potential value of this idea? Consider the wider value whether its financial, political, social or technology etc. And don’t try and sell this to Shell. This isn’t about Shell, this is about the idea.
  • Relevance: How relevant is the idea to the Food/Energy/Water topic? Many of the ideas touch more than one of the topics, so please consider this in your answer. The greater the relevance, the greater the impact.
  • Image: A picture can tell a thousand words, so this year, our reviewers have asked for the image to ‘represent’ your idea. You can be creative as you like, but remember, this could make or break your entry. A diagram or drawing of your idea, well illustrated, may be a lot easier to understand than trying to explain your idea in a few hundred words.

Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of Award: 

  • Stage 1: Each member of a team that submits an idea receives a 3-month subscription to WIRED’s interactive digital edition (accessible on iPad, iPhone and Kindle Fire) and a certificate of participation.
  • Stage 2: Each member of a team that submits an idea receives a certificate of participation.
  • Stage 3: Each member of the finalist teams will fly to Make The Future, London and receive a personalized medal and certificate of completion.

Winners: The team will receive the Shell Ideas360 trophy and each member of the team wins an Adventure.

Duration of Program: See in Program Webpage (See Link below)

How to Apply: Register and begin your journey!

Visit the Program Webpage for Details

Award Providers: Shell


  • Ifeoma Chuks is a naturally-skilled writer. She has written and contributed to more than 6000 articles all over the internet that have formed solid experiences for particularly aspiring, young people around the globe.

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