Scholarship for Women

JAUW International Fellowship Program 2020 for Women Leaders (Fully-funded to Japan)

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After School Africa
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The Japanese Association of University Women (JAUW) International Fellowship Programme offers Fellowships to Women from any part of the world to carry out research or advance study in Japan 2020.

Application Deadline: 31st March, 2020

Eligible Countries: Any country other than Japan

To be taken at (Country): Japan

Subject Areas: Advance studies or research in areas that require being undertaken in Japan

About the Award: This program is to offer core funding to financially help you come and stay in Japan when you have found that it is preferable or very important for you to stay in Japan to further pursue your ongoing study/research.

Type: Fellowship, Research

By what Criteria is Selection Made? Must be a woman from any country other than Japan

Who is qualified to apply?

  1. Applicants must be of non-Japanese women in the age below 45.
  2. Applicants must live outside Japan at the time of application.
  3. Applicants must hold a Master’s Degree or above.
  4. Applicants need to identify an institution/university in Japan where to conduct research.

They need to have contacted and obtained a consent from a host at the identified institution/university before application.JAUW won’t extend any help regarding this matter.

  1. Applicants must submit application forms according to the Instructions.

Number of Awards: Up to two fellowships will be awarded under this Program.

What are the benefits?

  • The program will allow maximum of 2recipients,  each winning between Yen500,000 and up to Yen1,000,000 to support transportation to and from Japan and cost for her stay in Japan.
  • The amount granted will vary depending on duration of stay in Japan and the nature of the work. One-third of the amount will be given to the grantee upon arrival in Japan.  The rest will normally be paid within 40 days after the initial payment. However, the latter amount (i.e. two thirds of the total) may be payable in two or three installments, depending on circumstances surrounding the grantee in Japan

How long will sponsorship last? This grant is for 4 to 6 months between October 2020 and March 2021.

How to Apply:

  • To apply, you have to use the designated forms, downloadable on the Fellowship Webpage (Link below)
  • It is important to go through the Application Requirements before applying.

Visit Fellowship Webpage for Details


  • After School Africa is the go-to source for young and ambitious people looking to explore opportunities for education, development and relevance.

This post was last modified on November 24, 2019 9:48 pm


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