The programme for Scientific & Technological Cooperation is carried out in the frame of the bilateral
“Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Science and Technology of the Republic of South
Africa and the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy of the Republic of Austria on Scientific and
Technological Cooperation”
Application Deadline: Monday, 30th April, 2018
Eligible Countries: South Africa
About the Award: The programme for Scientific & Technological Cooperation is carried out in the frame of the bilateral “Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Science and Technology of the Republic of South Africa and the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy of the Republic of Austria on Scientific and Technological Cooperation” and is financed equally by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and by the South African Department of Science and Technology (DST).
The principal objective of the cooperation between the parties is to contribute to scientific advancement in both countries by funding researchers’ mobility in the frame of joint research projects in specified research fields; provide an opportunity for researchers to cooperate in an international setting and to develop their scientific careers, especially for early-stage1, mid-career2 as well as female researchers; support the advancement of basic research; and contribute meaningfully to research capacity development.
Field of Study: The call is open to all scientific disciplines and thematic areas, including social sciences as well as the
Type: Research
Eligibility: An application must designate two principal investigators, one in South Africa and one in Austria, who will bear the main responsibility for the project, including its technical and administrative coordination as well as scientific
and financial reporting.
- Researchers working at universities, universities of applied sciences and other legal entities (e.g. higher education and research institutions, companies) planning to carry out a non-profit-oriented research project within the frame of this call are eligible to apply.
- Project proposals submitted by early-stage1 or mid-career researchers2 as well as project proposals with
involvement of PhD/doctoral students, early-stage1 and/or female researchers will be particularly considered. - The focus of the programme lies on new international partnerships.
- Follow-up proposals with the same research partners will not be eligible for funding if they have already been funded under this programme.
- This call is open to working researchers residing in South Africa and affiliated with a recognised higher education or research institution such as a university, university of technology or science council.
- Commercial institutions and private education institutions are not eligible to apply under this
programme. - The South African applicant must be in possession of a PhD.
- In terms of human capital development, South African applications from previously disadvantaged individuals
and the involvement of historically disadvantaged higher education and research institutions will be prioritised.
Number of Awards: A maximum of 20 joint projects will be funded for this call
Value of Award:
- AUSTRIA: The total sum of EUR 10,000 per project (EUR 5,000 per project per year) can be applied for.
- The total amount requested from the NRF should not exceed R200 000 per project. Funding will be made available for a maximum of two years, to be paid in annual instalments (R100 000 per year) and exclusively for research activities commencing in 2019
- The funders will also organise launching and closing workshops for the programme, and Principal Investigators
should include costs of attending these workshops (i.e. travel and accommodation), in their budget plans,. The
launching workshop will be held in South Africa (planned for 1st week of December 2018 on the margins of the
Science Forum South Africa 2018) and the closing workshop in Austria. - Apart from the financial support from the two parties, institutions and universities in both countries are
encouraged to solicit other funding resources.
Duration of Program: The projects will be supported for a period of two years (projects starting January 2019 and ending December 2020).
How to Apply: All South African applications must be submitted electronically on the NRF Online Submission System at A detailed call document is attached.
It is important to go through the Call for Projects before applying.
Visit the Program Webpage for Details
Award Providers: Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and by the South African Department of Science and Technology (DST).
Important Notes: Please note that applications submitted outside the NRF Submission system will not be accepted.