CIDRI-Africa is inviting applications for Postdoctoral Fellowships in the area of Infectious Diseases.
Application Deadline: 31st March 2020.
To be taken at (country):Â University of Cape Town, South Africa
Type: Postdoctoral
- Applicants should hold an appropriate doctoral degree
- Applicants should be within 5 years of PhD graduation and should not have held prior permanent professional academic positions
- Fellowships are awarded for one year. Renewal for one further year will be contingent on satisfactory academic progress
- The value of the fellowship is R350 000 per annum (fellowship stipend plus consumables/travel). Split between stipend and running costs to be discussed with supervisor.
- Successful candidates will be required to comply with the University of Cape Town’s approved policies, procedures and practices for the postdoctoral sector
- Applications will be considered on merit and the University of Cape Town’s policies on transformation and equity will be strongly adhered to
Selection Criteria:Â
- Preference will be given to applicants whose research interests are aligned with the Centre’s scientific objectives.
- Strong emphasis will be placed on the merit of the applicant and the quality of the research proposal.
Number of Awards: 2
Value of Award:Â The value of the scholarship is ZAR350,000 (fellowship including running costs) per annum
Duration of Programme: 2 years.
How to Apply: Applicants should submit a research proposal developed with a Principal or Contributing Investigator of CIDRI-Africa as their supervisor (please consult linked pages to identify a potential supervisor). Successful candidates will be registered in the academic departments of the supervisors.
Download the advert and application form.
Enquiries and completed applications to:Â Kathryn Wood
Visit Programme Webpage for Details