Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Fellowship Scheme: We are now inviting applications for the 2023/2025 Fellowship Scheme. The Scheme places young and highly motivated economists and statisticians in public sector posts in developing country governments on two-year contracts. Applicants can apply for either Economics and/or Statistics streams provided they are suitably qualified.
Application Deadline: 27th April 2023
Eligible Countries: All
To be taken at (country): Developing countries
About the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Fellowship Scheme: ODI’s prestigious Fellowship Scheme gives postgraduate economists and statisticians the chance to work in developing country public sectors as local civil servants on two-year contracts.
The Scheme has two objectives: to provide developing country governments with high-calibre junior economists and statisticians where there are gaps in local capacity; and to give postgraduate economists and statisticians practical work experience in a developing country.
Type: Fellowship
Eligibility: The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Fellowship Scheme is open to candidates of all nationalities provided they have a master’s degree or PhD in economics, statistics or a related discipline. Postings are determined primarily by the needs of partner governments rather than the preferences of candidates themselves.
Number of Awards: Not specified
Value of Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Fellowship Scheme: GBP 21,000 (GBP 23,000 in the second year) plus accommodation allowance
Duration of Programme: 2 years
How to Apply: To apply, please complete our online application form.
Visit Programme Webpage for Details