NELGA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 for African Researchers

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NELGA Postdoctoral Fellowship: Unlocking New Frontiers in Land Research. Apply below.

When is Application Deadline:

4th September 2023

Tell Me About NELGA Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Postdoctoral Fellowship Call for 2023, jointly organized by the Network of Excellence for Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This prestigious fellowship program aims to support outstanding researchers in exploring the complexities of land in Africa.

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The fellowship provides an exceptional opportunity for postdoctoral researchers to delve into critical issues related to land governance, land rights, and conflict resolution. By fostering interdisciplinary research, the program seeks to generate innovative insights and contribute to sustainable land management practices across the continent.

If you are a passionate researcher with a keen interest in land and conflict studies, this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss. Take the next step in your academic journey and contribute to shaping sustainable land governance in Africa.

NELGA is a partnership of African universities and research institutions with proven leadership in education, training and research on land governance. Currently, NELGA has more than 70 partner institutions across Africa. For an overview of partner universities and institutions click here.

Which Fields are Eligible?

Special consideration will be given to proposals that address the cross-cutting issues outlined in the factsheet
accompanying this call.
If you are not sure if your research field is fitting, do not hesitate to contact DAAD for consultation.



Who can Apply?

We invite postdoctoral scientists with completed PhD degrees from central institutions of land policy in Africa to apply for funding for NELGA postdoctoral fellowships.

Applicants must

  • have completed their PhD degree at a state or state recognized institution of higher education;
  • have a background in land governance/ land management or a related field (e.g. land administration, land economics, urban and regional planning, geomatics);
  • be nationals of an African country;
  • be granted leave of absence by their home institution for conducting a field study or research stay abroad;
  • return to their research/duty station at the end of the fellowship;

Selection Criteria

Applications will be reviewed by an independent selection committee consisting of experts in the relevant fields.
The performance-based assessment will consider:

▪ A convincing and well-planned research project (incl. preliminary work undertaken, the relevance of the topic for research and application-oriented outputs, choice of methods and work equipment, the fit of the facilities and support offered by the host institution, appropriateness of the time-schedule, motivation);
▪ academic achievements (incl. scientific and other qualifications, consistency of the proposal with further
scientific qualification and long-term career planning);
▪ consistency of the proposal with the objectives of the NELGA (incl. relevance for policy linkages, transferability
of expected results into policy)
Any additional documents supporting the academic relevance of the research proposal or providing information about pertinent extracurricular activities of the applicant will also be considered in the assessment.

Which Countries are Eligible?

African Countries

Where will Award be Taken?

DAAD is offering postdoctoral research fellowships at African universities and research institutions

If the selected institution is not the home institution, it should be willing to host the fellow during his/her research stay and to provide adequate assistance. The terms of cooperation at the host institution must have been clarified and documented prior to the research stay.

How Many Awards?

Not specified

What is the Benefit of NELGA Postdoctoral Fellowship?

The basic fellowship consists of:
▪ a monthly rate of EUR 800;
▪ a virtual training workshop on Advocacy for Research Output

In Addition, support for the following may be granted upon request (subject to availability of funds):
▪ Reimbursement of expenses for scientific publications in relevant journals up to a maximum of EUR 1500.
Access to the NELGA network at the national, regional, and continental level through i.e. virtual and in person events, conferences, and workshops will be provided and organized by the network.

Terms and Conditions

One month after the end of the fellowship the fellow must provide a detailed report on the implementation of the research and its findings (a template will be provided). The fellowship is not renewable. Funding is only eligible once per year, per topic and per educational stage.

How Long will Award Last?

The fellowships are tenable for a period of maximum 12 months. Only full months are fundable. The fellowship is not renewable.

How to Apply:

Applicants will be required to:

  1. register online via the DAAD-Portal (if not already registered):
  2. apply online under the following link: Click here
    For technical questions regarding the DAAD-Portal, please contact [email protected].
    Documents to be submitted
    ▪ DAAD application form, duly filled (available in the DAAD-Portal);
    ▪ Curriculum Vitae (please use the Europass specimen form at
    ▪ list of publications (if applicable);
    ▪ letter of motivation;
    ▪ detailed description of the research proposal and a description of previous research work (max. 10 pages);
    ▪ weekly schedule of planned research work;
    ▪ description of the expected results and applicationoriented outputs (incl. ideas for the transition of the
    findings into society and policy);
    ▪ copies of Master’s diplomas/certificates (with final grades) and transcripts of record of all annual academic examinations (incl. explanation of grading system);
    ▪ copies of PhD diploma/certificate (with final grade and transcripts of record, if applicable) incl. explanation of grading system;

Visit Award Webpage for Details


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