The Algerian Youth Leadership Program is a leadership development opportunity for Algerian and American youth, ages 15-17. This cultural and academic exchange will take place in Reno, Nevada and Washington, DC from June 15-July 8, 2020, with an orientation in Algiers from June 12-14, 2020.
Application Deadline: 9th November 2019
Eligible Countries: Algeria
To be taken at (country): USA
About the Award: This is a four-week, fully funded, U.S-based cultural exchange program, focused on the primary themes of civic education, youth leadership development, respect for diversity, and community engagement. Participants will engage in a variety of activities, such as workshops on leadership and service, community site visits related to the program themes, interactive training and discussion groups, small group work, presentations, local cultural activities, and homestays with American families, among other activities.
The program will be intensive, academic, and highly interactive to the end that participants develop their skills in order to be effective leaders in their schools and communities. Participants will work with professors and students from the University of Nevada School of Business and that Reynold School of Journalism, local consultants and community businesses and organizations. Participants will use the skills gained in this program to create a service project for their home community.
Type: Training
- Algerian Youth: Youth who are eligible to apply are those who:
• are a legal citizen of Algeria
• will be 15, 16 or 17 years old on or before June 12, 2020
• have demonstrated English skills, sufficient for understanding academic discussion and everyday social interactions
• have at least one year of high school remaining after the program. If you are selected as a semifinalist, you will be required to submit an original high school transcript and a school certificate to verify that you have at least one year of high school remaining.
• have demonstrated leadership in their schools and/or communities
• have interest in the program themes of social entrepreneurship, leadership and project development and would like to participate in academic classes and do work to develop in these areas
• have permission from their parent(s) or legal guardian to participate in the entire program
• do not have a familial relation to the Northern Nevada International Center, their Algerian partner Action Bénévole pour la Citoyenneté & le Développement, or the U.S. Department of State
- Algerian Adults: Adult Participants who are eligible to apply are those who:
• Are legal citizens of Algeria
• Work actively mentoring youth in their professional or volunteer activities
• Are community leaders
• Have excellent English
• Are committed to working with the Youth Leadership Program participants after their return from the United States and assist in the implementation of community projects
• Have travel experience outside of their home state or province (international travel experience is not required). Program staff will travel with you to the U.S.
• Are committed to the goals and ideals of the program, including civic leadership, diversity and fostering regional and global interactions
• Are not employed by and/or do not have a familial relation to the Northern Nevada International Center, their Algerian partner Action Bénévole pour la Citoyenneté & le Développement or the U.S. Department of State
Number of Awards: Not specified
Value of Award: The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, in conjunction with its private partners, will pay for ground transportation to and from Algiers, international transportation to and from the United States, orientations and workshops, program fees and administration, site visits and seminars, lodging and most meals, some cultural activities, educational materials, and accident and sickness insurance coverage. Participants will stay with volunteer host families.
Duration of Programme:
- U.S. program dates: June 15-July 8, 2020 in Reno, NV and Washington, D.C.
- Program Orientation for Algerian participants: June 12-14, 2020 in Algiers
How to Apply: To apply, click on the link (below) that pertains to you and follow the guidelines
Visit Programme Webpage for Details