A letter to readers: A slight shift at blisscareer.blogspot.com

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Dear reader/subscriber, Over the past few years, I've been researching
and writing about scholarships for Nigeria and International students,
as my way of giving without asking for something in return (and it's
something I love doing). I've recieved a few thank you and encouraging
comments/emails that get me motivated externally, to keep researching
and writing. It's been an exiting adventure so far.
I would like to announce my intention to make a slight expansion on
the topics covered on this blog.
From today in addition to the usual scholarship information I publish
here, I will also be writing on other related topics such as life
after school, NYSC- National Youth Service Corps, job searching and
career tips, my online experiences and the likes.

Why am I introducing these other topics?

Along my research writing career, I've come to a point where I think I
should enlarge my territory. I want to share experiences and stories
on subjects that revolve around a particular niche. So instead of just
writing and publishing scholarship eligibilities and where to apply, I
could also produce some more advice and tips on topics that pertain to
youths and under/post graduates as they come. I've writing some of
such articles on my other blogs but would love to share some of such
with you-readers and subscribers here. This blog has been growing with
more daily readers and subscribers and I intend not to make your days
boring with repeated same kind of articles. I promise to make this an
even more exiting journey for this blog readers and subscribers.
I'm also hoping to introduce some more useful changes in future but
well have to keep them personal until it's right to lunch. I hope you
keep enjoying to read this blog. The comment section is always
available below to share your comments and opinion.
Note: you would still recieve regular scholarship information. You can
go through older post for available scholarships.

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  • After School Africa is the go-to source for young and ambitious people looking to explore opportunities for education, development and relevance.

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