It has been agreed upon that DAAD cooperates with Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) by offering up to 4 In-Country scholarships and 8 In-Region scholarships for Master studies at Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) for the intake 2020
Application Deadline: 17th May 2019
Eligible Countries: Sub-saharan African countries
To be taken at (country): Namibia
About the Award: The programme aims at fostering strong, internationally oriented higher education systems in [Sub-Saharan Africa with the capacity to contribute to sustainable development.
To this end, scholarships are granted for development-related Master or doctoral studies for individuals who plan to pursue a career in teaching and / or research at a higher education institution in Sub-Saharan Africa.
By training future academic and professional leaders, the programme contributes to the following long-term impacts:
- Qualified professionals’ involvement in the solution of development-related problems in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Graduates strengthening education and research in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Structural strengthening and regional networking of partner institutions and partner universities
As part of the „In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Progamme“ DAAD offers scholarships for Master studies. The programme is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and aims at university staff in the first line, without neglecting the public sector demand of academically trained personnel.
The target group for scholarships are graduates and postgraduates from SubSaharan Africa with a first academic degree if applying for a Master’s programme, pursue Master’s courses in their home country (so called In-Country scholarships) or in another Sub-Saharan African country (In-Region scholarships).
Eligibility: Applicants
have successfully completed generally a three-year university degree (Master candidates) or a two-year university degree (doctoral candidates) with above average results (upper forth of class)
- clearly show motivation and strong commitment
- have thorough knowledge of the language of instruction
- have completed their last university degree not more than 6 years ago at the time of application
- must be nationals or permanent resident of a Sub-Saharan African country
- should generally be a) staff member of a public university, b) candidate considered for teaching or research staff recruitment, c) from the public sector
Number of Awards: 4 In-Country scholarships and 8 In-Region scholarships
Value of Award:
- Tuition fees
- Study and research allowance
- Printing allowance
- Monthly Scholarship (Accommodation, Food etc.)
- Travel allowance (In-Region only) ‘
- Insurance
Duration of Award:
- Scholarships are initially granted for one year and can be extended to upon receipt of an application for extension. Scholars must demonstrate satisfactory progress before an extension is granted.
- The duration of the Master programme is generally two years generally starting in February 2020
How to Apply:
- It is important to go through all application requirements on the Programme Webpage (see link below) before applying
Visit Award Webpage for Details
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