World Bank/Moi University Masters & PhD Scholarships 2019/2020 for African Students – Kenya

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As a result of successful application for World Bank funding during the Africa Center of Excellence II bidding by Eastern and Southern African States, the University is hosting the African Center of Excellence in Phytochemicals, Textile and Renewable Energy, ACEII-PTRE. The Center is, therefore, offering limited postgraduate scholarships for Masters (MSc) and Doctorate (PhD) to highly deserving students on a competitive basis.

Application Deadline: 20th May 2019

Eligible Countries: African countries

To be taken at (country): Kenya

About the Award:  Moi University is a Public University located in Eldoret, Kenya. The University offers world class training both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels

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The Center’s scholarships will be offered to both national and regional students in the following fields: Analytical Chemistry (MSc and Ph.D), Materials & Textile Engineering (Ph.D), Industrial Engineering (MSc), Textile Engineering (MSc), and Renewable Energy (Msc and Ph.D). Doctorate (Ph.D) scholarships will be awarded for a maximum of three years (36 months) while Masters (MSc) scholarships will be awarded for a maximum of two years (24 months).

Type: Masters, PhD

Eligibility: Only shortlisted candidates as per the following criteria will be considered:

  • A minimum of Second Class Honours Upper Division or its equivalent in a Bachelor’s degree related to the field one is interested in. In case of PhD application, Master’s degree in a related field is a requirement.
  • The candidate must meet minimum requirement for admission into Masters and PhD programmes as stipulated by Moi University Senate.
  • All interested candidates must have a research concept paper in the intended area of study.
  • Demonstration that one cannot afford to pay for his or her postgraduate programme will be a requirement.
  • Proof of admission into the above stated programmes will be an added advantage.

The following candidates are highly encouraged to apply for the scholarship: female, regional, disadvantaged, marginalized groups and candidates with disabilities

Number of Awards: Limited

Value of Award:

Duration of Award:

  • Ph.D scholarships: maximum of three years (36 months)
  • Masters (MSc) scholarships: maximum of two years (24 months).
  • The programmes are scheduled to start in September 2019

How to Apply: All interested candidates can apply by filling in a scholarship form that can be downloaded from the Moi University website (using the links below) or can be obtained directly from the Center. The duly filled application form should be emailed so as to reach the Center not later than 20th May, 2019.

All applications should be filled and sent by email to the following address:-

The Center Leader Africa Center of Excellence II in Phytochemicals, Textile and Renewable Energy (ACEII-PTRE) Moi University P.O. Box 3900-30100 Eldoret, Kenya.

Email Address: [email protected] or [email protected]


Visit Award Webpage for Details

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