Harambee Guadalupe Scholarships 2020 for African Women (Fully-funded)

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On  February 11, 2020 , the Call for the Guadalupe 2020 Scholarship Program begins.

Application Deadline: 26th March 2020

Eligible Countries: African countries

To be Taken at (Country): Each scholarship aims to enable the integration of the applicant into a senior research group, either in Spain, Italy, or an African country (different from applicantโ€™s country)

About the Award: The โ€œGuadalupe scholarshipโ€ Program, henceforth called โ€œBecas Guadalupeโ€ program, is a project that Harambee ONGD launched on the occasion of the Beatification of the Spanish scientist Guadalupe Ortiz de Landรกzuri on May 18, 2019. Its purpose is to promote and give greater visibility to female African scientists, so that they can collaborate effectively in the development of their countries. The program will award 100 mobility grants for African women researchers over a period of 10 years, calling for 10 annual grants that may be applied by women scientists from sub-Saharan Africa for stays of between 1 to 6 months in research centres and universities. The scholarships, financed by public and private sponsors, donations and own funds, will cover travelling expenses to and from the country of residence, accommodation, daily allowances and medical insurance.

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Type: Research

Eligibility: African women, living in sub-Saharan Africa and active in some research group of one university, hospital or other institutions, located in African countries. Doctoral students will also be considered and, exceptionally, graduated students who wish to complete Masterโ€™s studies, postgraduate studies, or specialization programs.

The applications fall into the following categories:

  • A) Predoctoral scholarships for stays in research centres and universities.
  • B) Exceptionally, the possibility of carrying out specialization programs, a Masterโ€™s or postgraduate studies in those entities that have signed a previous agreement with Harambee, is also considered (see a list of agreements already active in this link www.harambee.es).
  • C) Postdoctoral scholarships (applicant under 35 years old).
  • D) Postdoctoral senior scholarships (applicant over 35 years old)
  • The applicants must certify their link with a research group in their own country (modalities C and D).
  • Doctoral students must certify their registration in a doctoral program of their own university.
  • In the case of applying for a stay of specialization, Master or Postgraduate studies and not being enrolled in a doctoral program, they must accredit the degree of studies required by the option requested.
  • A level B2 of English or Spanish is required by the scholarships.

Number of Awards: 10 every year

Value of Award:

  • Each scholarship aims to enable the integration of the applicant into a senior research group, either in Spain, Italy, or an African country, with the aim of acquiring or improving scientific and technical skills, and establishing future collaborations.
  • The stay should be accomplished in a research group of a university different from their own for a period comprising between 1 and 6 months (the stay can be extended for 3 months more, if funding is available and with the agreement of the scientific committee).
  • When an application has been made for a Masterโ€™s degree, Postgraduate studies or a program of specialization, the duration will depend on the conditions expressed in the agreement between the receiving institution and Harambee.
  • Scholarships can be requested by women scientists from sub-Saharan Africa for stays (from 1 to 6 months) in international research centres and universities. The scholarships, financed by public and private sponsors, donations and own funds, will cover travel, expenses to and from the country of residence, accommodation, daily allowances and medical insurance.

How to Apply: The following documents must be sent by e-mail to becasguadalupe@harambee.es :

  1. Completed application form provided in the web-page www.harambee.es.
  2. Curriculum Vitae (following the model provided in the web).
  3. Exclusively for modalities A and B: Academic record with the grades obtained prior to inscription in the doctoral program. It must include the average mark.
  4. Recommendation letter of the main researcher in the African research group (modalities C and D), or the thesis director, or the tutor of the PhD program. This letter should highlight the importance of the stay for the candidateโ€™s professional future. In the case of graduates who wish to access programs of specialization, a Master or Postgraduate studies, and are not enrolled in a doctoral program, they must provide 2 letters of recommendation from an academic professor of the degree performed.
  5. Acceptance letter of the host group or centre. If this letter is not ready on application, it can be sent later on, before the beginning of the stay. Also a change of destination can be admitted if it is justified in writing to the Scientific Committee.
  6. Brief memory of the Research Project to be developed during the stay (maximum 2 pages) (for those who apply for a research stay). The applicant must demonstrate her capacity and experience to carry out the proposed project, which must be integrated within the research lines of the host group. The expected contribution of the stay to the reinforcement of her own research must also be justified.
  7. Return commitment letter to their origin institutions (follow the template sited in the web page www.harambee.es).
  8. Earliest budget of travel expenses.
  9. Copy of ID/Passport.
  10. Declaration of veracity of the data and documents enclosed (follow the template sited in the web page www.harambee.es).

Visit Award Webpage for Details


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