Best Job Hunting Tips to Help You Find Your Dream Job

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Today, almost every graduate is running from pillar to post in search of a greener pasture. Like some people rightly put that job hunting has become a job itself, getting a good and satisfactory job opportunity has become a herculean task that your certificate sometimes, looks like a piece of paper. It is becoming more difficult by the day as many professionals are released into the already saturated labour market almost on a daily basis.

Despite the difficulty and rigorousness involved in getting a standard and stable job in Nigeria, so many people are still smiling home at the end of the day. This is irrespective of the general belief that no one can get a well-paying job in Nigeria without knowing ‘someone who knows someone’. If that is the case, then, there is something unique and special such people are doing that is setting them on edge over other people. It has to do with having the right mindset and approach. When you do the right thing, you will definitely get a positive result. And so, in this article, we are going to try our best to give you the strategic tips that will give you an edge over your counterpart in the labour market, whether you are a fresh entrant, you want to change your career, or just want to upgrade your status.

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The Pros and Cons of Job Hunting

Job hunting is like travelling on a journey that you do not know the destination. You could be lucky to arrive there on or before your anticipated time, you could also be embarking on a journey that would take years to reach. This is the sad truth.

Job hunting, as a journey, could be quite interesting because you are going to encounter lots of fantastic and unwelcome experiences. This is why it has both advantages and disadvantages. Let us look at some of these interesting experiences embedded in job hunt.

  • Job search is fun. Looking for a job, checking up the job sites, looking at the positions that would suit you, and so on are quite fun, especially, at the beginning of the search.
  • You could find the perfect job without much ado. Possibly you are on the brink of giving up and boom, you find yourself landing your dream job. For this reason, it is good to keep a list of your dream jobs so that you could focus on applying for them instead of applying sporadically. This will give you a sense of focus and positivity.
  • Hearing a piece of good news is worth the headache. Being called back after submitting your resume by the company and looking forward to meeting you is one of the best news you could hear as an applicant.
  • Getting a great offer is the ultimate. Having passed all the required hurdles for the position, the next step will be to call you and hand over the appointment letter.
  • Being successful could motivate you and boost your self-confidence. Because you were successful in your search, it could motivate you and make feel confident to try out other related issues, having success in mind.

Just like anything that has advantages also has disadvantages, job hunt could be quite a tiring experience. The following are the cons of looking for a job.

  • The thrill wears off easily. If per-chance you keep searching without being successful, the fun could wear off and you start getting demoralized.
  • Writing a cover letter may not be your thingy. But you’ve got to write it anyway! It is in the cover letter that you have to sell yourself, writing convincingly about your strengths in order to stand out among the other applicants
  • You may not be called back. After passing through the rigorous process of applying for a job and going for an interview, it still is not a guarantee that the job would be yours. This could weaken the spirit to search for more opportunities.
  • You may get the offer, but… There are times you may not still get a better offer after everything. Here, you got the job offer, but the benefit may not be something to put smiles on your face. This could be quite discouraging and overwhelming. However, it is not the end of life. Learn how to negotiate, except otherwise stipulated. Even if you are not able to reach a certain amount, it will be on record that you negotiated. Luckily, your negotiation might be considered.

General Employability Skills You Should Have Before Looking for a Job

Some people wonder what could have made them not to get a particular job after all their rich profile or CV and the rehearsals they made before hitting the road to the venue of the interview. The truth is that no matter how much preparations you made if you do not have the right skills, you may still be disqualified. This is why employability skills are compulsory for you to scale through.

Employability skills are those skills required of one to make an attractive candidate for the job position. They are those set of skills an employer wants from a potential employee. Some of these skills are listed below.

  1. Problem-solving skills: These skills are required for an employee to help in solving certain obstacles faced by the organisation. Some of them include assessment, analytical, creativity, planning and other skills required for solving problems.
  2. Communication skills: Communication is more than mere talking. You are a good communicator if you can: – Listen without interrupting, empathize, conclude logically, act according to instructions, ask questions when you are not clarified.
  3. Collaboration: Today, synergy is the next word after innovation in the modern-day work environment. You have to be able to collaborate with others as a team in order to achieve a set goal.
  4. Time Management: As a potential employee, you must be able to plan your time efficiently. Lack of proper time management could lead to imbalance at work or even affect other areas of your life.
  5. Personality traits: There are certain personality traits that put one on a higher pedestal than his counterparts. These skills are hot cakes in the work environment as they make one outstanding and able to handle the job more maturely. These skills include professionalism, enthusiasm, drive, creativity, analytic, confidence, transparency, among others.

15 Tips Necessary for You to Find Your Dream Job

With the right skills, you can do amazingly well in your career life. When you get yourself prepared for the job, you would not find it difficult to adjust or settle down to work, once the initial processes are satisfied. Hence, we have compiled the following tools for you to excel in that job and become one of the top members of the organization without any hassles.

  1. Preparedness: You have to prepare ahead of your career. During your interview, how far you prepared will be one of the factors to sell you out. Ensure that you are well prepared or even ‘over qualified’ for the job.
  2. Positive attitude: I am sure you must have heard that ‘attitude sells’ before; I am affirming it once more. It is very good to maintain a positive attitude at work, no matter the circumstance you find yourself. Always have a proactive approach to problems as they appear. Your attitude will be able to project you for further training on other skills you probably lack.
  3. Self-awareness: You have to be aware of yourself; knowing your strengths and weaknesses. You determine what is sustainable for you and which job role you can fit in perfectly.
  4. Passion: Having a passion helps you to become a goal-getter. Work towards whatever that you are passionate about because it will make you become enthusiastic about it. Your dream career must be a job you love and are ready to put all your efforts to make the best out of it.
  5. Courage: Courage is that skill that makes you to boldly step out of your comfort zone. You leave your comfort zone to face a scarier, uncertain life. Courage will help you to try out new things, go to new places, knock on hard doors, take up challenging roles and go after your dream.
  6. Brush up on your communications skills: You must be able to communicate effectively as a job seeker. You should be able to communicate your skills confidently to your potential employer. If perhaps, you still have some thick accents, you may consider brushing it up. Body language is another form of communication. Always keep open body language for easier understanding. Listening, maintaining eye contact, and so on are very important tools for good communications.
  7. Open-mindedness: You have to be open to all possibilities; the job you seek may not be what you get. So, you have to learn how to accept any condition without breaking down. Be open to learning new things, for corrections, criticism, rejection, and so on, in order to excel in life.
  8. Negotiation: When you are offered a job, you might be required to negotiate the salary and work condition (this is rare). Know your worth so as to negotiate successfully.
  9. Research the company: Do some background research on the organisation, so as to know the potential job you are about to land.
  10. Creativity: You have to learn new and strategic ways of doing things in order to stand out. When challenges come knocking, creativity skills are unleashed. You could even create your own job at the end of the day.
  11. Network: Networking will help you to meet different people who could be material to your getting a job.
  12. You do not have to be perfect: Some skills are acquired by practice. If you are a fresh graduate, don’t let nervousness steal the show. Be confident and positive about the outcome.
  13. Time Management: Efficient use of your time is very important in an organization. Time management is a top skill because how efficient you are could determine your success as an employee.
  14. Technicality: Technology and innovation have taken over the workplace today. You have to move with the trend and give your job the best technical outlook. This could require that you take certain professional courses or simply upgrade your skills before going for the job.
  15. Get an internship to get trained: There are chances that you need some brush-ups to be able to qualify for the job. Getting an internship (with or without pay) could help you get the required experience.

As a job seeker, you have to brace up for the job. Get yourself prepared beforehand. Learn the necessary skills that will put you at an advantage over other applicants. Be proactive in your attitude towards work so that you will find it so easy to reach the peak of your career.


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