Call for Applications: Tunza 31st Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors 2023

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Eco-generation would like to announce a call for applications for the 30th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors Program.

Application Deadline: 15th August 2023

About the Award: Eco-generation Regional Ambassador is an elite position awarded to the youth aged between 13 and 24 qualified to represent Tunza Eco-generation, an environmental networking platform for children and youth around the world. Eco-generation Regional Ambassador Program provides exceptional experiences with the opportunities to actively plan, to execute or participate in various environmental awareness programs in each region and country.

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Type: Job (Volunteer)


– All Tunza Eco-generation members aged between 13 and 24 (as of August 15th 2023) who are enthusiastic to spread news and stories about their local environmental issues at a global level.

2.     Term
– The 29th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors (hereinafter referred to as ‘Ambassador’) shall be in the position for six (6) months from September 2023 until February 2024.

Selection Criteria:

– 60% Application Form + 40% Activity Points
– Six (6) month of coverage plan should be stated based on concrete action plans.
– Any false information on an application form can cause disqualification or cancelation of position even after being selected.
– Any unfair practice in gathering activity points can cause disqualification.
*For detailed information on the point system, please refer to the Notice [World] Guide to the Activity Point System.

Eco-generation team shall strictly disqualify any candidates who have accrued the points in an unfair way.
*Examples of unfair practice in gathering activity points are as below:
   – Uploading many short, pointless articles with only a few lines long within a short period of time.
   – Dividing one article into multiple articles just to increase the number of articles.
   – Writing short & half-hearted comments without actually reading articles.
   – Secretly writing comments on old articles are also regarded as cheating.

Eligible Countries: Any

To be Taken at (Country): Online

Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of Award:

Mandatory Duties

– An Ambassador must post at least 2(Two) reports per month in regards to the environmental issues taking place in his/her region.
– An Ambassador should check the e-mail box and Eco-generation Ambassador Forum often so as to promptly respond to Eco-generation team’s notice.
– If there is any change in the personal information such as e-mail, contact number and home address, a revised ‘Consent to Use of Personal Information’ form must be submitted to the Eco-generation team via email([email protected]) within 1(One) week.

 Optional Duties
– An Ambassador shall voluntarily plan and execute campaigns and events to raise environmental awareness and to promote TUNZA Eco-generation in their local communities
– An Ambassador should try to leave comments on other Ambassador’s reports after carefully reading them as often as possible for active idea exchange and for encouraging each other’s efforts and campaigns.
– An Ambassador should try to join various events including Monthly Events, Essay Competition and etc. on Tunza Eco-generation website.

Benefits of Completion
– Improvement of personal environmental leadership skills.
– Enhancement of promotions for one’s organization and (or) environmental awareness programs.
– Online mentoring provided by mentors to their Ambassador Reports.
– Promotional goods will be provided for environmental awareness campaigns to be planned and executed by the Ambassador :
   ∙ Considering differences in local postal services and adjustment process between an Ambassador and Eco-generation team, a request form must be submitted at least 3 weeks before the event.
   ∙ Eco-generation doesn’t take responsibility of tax payment including tariff on the requested goods.
   ∙ There are countries which up to 2kg of promotional goods can be sent.

(Due to COVID-19, the shipment of promotional goods may change depending on the air transportation situation around the world.)
– Certificate that verifies successful completion of the Ambassador’s duties.
– Reference letters (Please refer to Section 7. Reference Letter).
– The 3(Three) best ambassador reports will be published on the monthly Tunza Eco-generation Newsletter which is publicly released to Tunza Eco-generation members.
– Recognition of the The Most Inspirational Ambassador of the term’ shall be given to 1(One) Ambassador who demonstrates the most passionate and active environmental activities as well as participating in various events of Tunza Eco-generation. A certificate and souvenir will be given to the Most Inspirational Ambassador at the end of the term. The process and final decision on the selection shall be planned and confirmed by the Eco-generation team.
6.     Completion of Ambassador Term
– Ambassadors who posted minimum of 12 valid ambassador reports will be eligible for term completion and the certificate (by August 15 2022).
– Ambassadors who successfully completed their term will get significant advantage in the term extension process. (Please check the details at the section 9. Extension of Ambassador Term).
– If the posted ambassador report turns out to be not valid due to lack of format, copyright issue and etc., Eco-generation can cancel the term completion even after the issuance of the certificate.
– To reduce the CO2 emission, the certificate will be issued in digital PDF format.

Duration of Award: The 31st Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors (hereinafter referred to as ‘Ambassador’) shall be in the position for six (6) months from September 2023 until February 2024.

How to Apply:

  • – We do not accept any recommendation letter from other organizations.
  • It is important to go through all application requirements in the Award Webpage (see Link below) before applying.

Visit Award Webpage for Details


  • Ifeoma Chuks is a naturally-skilled writer. She has written and contributed to more than 6000 articles all over the internet that have formed solid experiences for particularly aspiring, young people around the globe.

    Content Manager