15 Things You Must Give Up to Become Successful

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Becoming successful is never an easy route. You will surely come across crises and obstacles on your way which will try to pull you down. As a person striving to be successful either in academics, relationships, businesses or even finances you must be ready to fight your way through till you achieve your goals.

Being successful can literally mean having financial freedom, and being able to live and work happily, it also means fulfilling your dreams and being on top of your chosen career.

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Sometimes to become successful, we need to add some more things into our lives while also, there are some bad and not too-good things which we need to remove from our lives so that we can be successful.

sTo be successful, you will also need mentors people you can look up to for advice and guidance.

The Keys to Success

The keys to success can help you change your life in an instant or in gradual steps. These keys work for everyone who tries it. Sincerely, it will require the very most you can give and the best qualities you can develop yourself with. These keys are outlined below:

  • Make your mark: the first key to success is for you to decide exactly what you want and how you want to execute it. You need to set out your goals and place your mind on them.
  • Set out your plans: another key is to make your plans according to your set out goals. You can divide them into various stages of the plan for easy assessment.
  • Take action on your plan: after setting out your plans, the next step is to take action. You have to do something every day to move toward your goal.
  • Persistence: above all the overstep, once you have it in mind to quit then all of it becomes null. Therefore, resolve in advance that you will persist until you succeed and achieve your goal that you will never give up till your success comes.

Things You Must Give Up to Become Successful

  1. Give up excuses: to become successful, you will have to learn to give up excuses for things in your life. Excuses draw one backwards and you will find yourself in one position all the time. So then it is advisable to stop giving excuses for that task you want to accomplish and move on.
  2. Don’t procrastinate: procrastination is a very bad disease. When you procrastinate, you will never move forward. Stagnation would be your best friend and then you find yourself in one position. To become successful, you have to stop procrastinating and do whatever you need to do on time without postponing it.
  3. Stop trying to be perfect: it is not possible to please everyone. No one can be perfect so it is better to give up trying to be perfect. When you don’t try to be better, you will then open yourself to real relationships, happiness, and real success.
  4. Give up doing wrong things: it is wise to always do what is right at all times. So, if you want to be successful you must give up doing things that are wrong. Good behaviour and actions help you grow positively so always strive to do what you know in your heart is right.
  5. Feelings of entitlement: to become successful, you need to give up the feeling of entitlement. When you have this feeling always you will naturally become less productive. You will constantly find yourself disappointed by reality and the outcomes you get.  When you are grateful for what you have and see positive things in all you do then great successes will grow with you gradually.
  6. Give up worrying about past failures: failure is a normal part of life. So when you fail, the right attitude is to pick yourself up again and move on. Learn to accept your past failures without regret, handle your present situation with confidence and then face your future without fear.
  7. Don’t blame anyone: blaming others for your past failure or situation is being a coward. Blame is an easy way out of taking responsibility for your own actions. The amount of energy It takes to place blame on someone else takes away from your ability to move forward. It prevents you from seeing the real solution and it hinders your growth. So then it is wise not to blame anyone for your failure. Rather, try to move on and learn from your past mistakes.
  8. Remove the fear of failure: failure comes on the path to success, which means you must surely experience failure at a point in your adventure for success but when you are in fear of failure, then you would not be able to move on or move forward so as not to fail. Fear makes us paralyzed, we fear because we are concerned about what other people would think about us and the outcome of our actions. You must learn to take up success as your own measure and not because of anyone else.
  9. Stop searching for the easy way out: success entails a whole lot of trials, it is never an easy or smooth route. Searching for the easy way out means you are looking for the path of least resistance which will enable you never to achieve any hard work. In the case of success, this path of least resistance does not work because success is hard work which must be accomplished.
  10. Ruminating: this means keeping of past scenarios, or activities in your memory and then playing them over and over again in your head thereby preventing new things from been accomplished. It can also mean, thinking of the future and things that could go wrong on your part and crises you may face without even trying the first step of your work. Ruminating is a very bad thing that can hinder the progress of a man or woman so it is wise not to think of situations you cannot handle but learn to move on not minding what can happen.
  11. Don’t get distracted: when you set out your goals for success and along the way life issues come up don’t ever get distracted. Never let distractions deter you on your way to success. Distractions could be human, wants and other things but don’t ever waiver at it.
  12.  Lack of gratitude: showing gratitude is a very wise thing to do and when you don’t, it kills your enthusiasm and it steals your joy and at that point, you can never achieve success. Showing gratitude helps you recount your past success and blessings and it help you move forward.
  13. Stop living without Purpose: when you want to be successful, you need a purpose. You can’t start anything good without first of all having a purpose you start with a small purpose and plan your way.
  14. Self-absorption: you can’t achieve your success by being selfish, stepping over others and never giving back. As you find your passion, your enthusiasm, and your personal definition of success, take others along as well.
  15. Never give up: never give up on your path to success. You will surely face obstacles and crises on your way to success all you need is to face them squarely and defeat it and move on.
See also: 7 Critical Things You Need To Know About Success Before Age 30

Successful Men and Women Who Tried It All

There are lots of great people who achieved success through great struggles and countless failures but in the end they were successful. Some of these examples are;

  • The owner of Kentucky fried chicken (KFC), who was accomplished in his late years of owning a great franchise,
  • Mary Kay Ash; the founder of the largest cosmetics brand in the world,
  • Bill Gates, created the Microsoft Windows operating system and is today known as the richest man in the world.
  • Richard Brandon had dyslexia. He did not allow this to weigh him down as he went on ahead to create his success story. He created the Virgin Atlantic.
  • Coco Chanel, although grew up in an orphanage. She managed to uplift herself and today she has established her own perfume and clothing brand.  
  • Walt Disney took his passion for drawing cartoon pictures seriously. He started working in an art studio creating adverts for magazines and newspapers. Today he owns one of the greatest holiday site for children all over the world.
  • Henry Ford was a lover of machineries. He later established the Ford Motor Company which wasn’t an easy fit after all.
  • Ophra Winfrey had a rough childhood filled with excessive poverty, sexual abuse by family members, and having to work hard as a housemaid but this did not stop her from dreaming big. She started her show; Oprah Winfrey Show, which is a very popular TV show and has made her famous as well.

These men and women have given their all till they became successful. They refused to get tired of the failures they faced. Instead, they used the failures as a lift for their achievement.

Finally, everyone wants to be successful but no one wants to do all the hard work involved. Success is a pleasurable achievement, which everyone wants to be a part of. Pleasure in career, academics, business and all other aspects of life. For one to be successful, you need to work hard and give it all your best shots. Above all learn to be consistent and persistent. Do not dwell on failure and what other people have to say. There are lots of great people today who became successful after lots of failures. So, never look back but use your failure as a stepping stone for your great success.
