Expanding the Beijing+25 Youth Task Force 2020 for Young Leaders – Call for Applications

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The Beijing+25 Youth Task Force is announcing a call for applications to expand the composition of the Youth Task Force that will work in the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) process closely with UN Women, civil society organizations and other stakeholders from September 2020 to September 2021, to ensure the meaningful involvement of young people in the global processes of the 25th review and appraisal of the BPfA.

Application Deadline: 21st August 2020 at 12:00 p.m. midday EST.

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About the Award: Following a call for applications in June 2019, UN Women announced the “Beijing+25 Youth Task Force”, comprising 30 young leaders from different youth-led and youth-serving organizations, with diverse areas of expertise and across all regions of the world. They represent young people in all their diversity and across intersectional complexities. The existing youth leaders have a track record of driving change in their communities and mobilizing young people for the empowerment of young women and girls all over the world. The Youth Task Force serves on the governance structure of the Generation Equality Forum with a seat on the Core Group. The Core Group is the decision making body of the Generation Equality Forum. The forums centerstage young people and believes in their power and ability to accelerate the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The Youth Task Force has been supporting and guiding the global processes in consulting and engaging young people across the globe.

It is within this context that the Youth Task Force, convened by UN Women, is announcing a call for applications to expand the composition of the Youth Task Force that will work in the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) process closely with UN Women, civil society organizations and other stakeholders from September 2020 to September 2021, to ensure the meaningful involvement of young people in the global processes of the 25th review and appraisal of the BPfA.

Type: Job (Volunteer)

Eligibility: Young and adolescent activists will be selected to expand the Beijing+25 Youth Task Force from a pool of applications received through an open call. This expansion will ensure an adequate representation of all regions and constituencies that are underrepresented in the current Beijing +25 Youth Task Force. The members will be chosen through a youth-led
process by the current YTF members. Applicants will be chosen against the following criteria:

  1. Regional and geographic representation. The YTF is looking for applicants primarily from Francophone countries, Pacific Islands, Caribbean (including but not limited to English-speaking, French-speaking, Spanish-speaking, Caribbean with African Descent) and Central Asia.
  2. Priority will be given to applicants that represent broad networks, youth organizations, and civic movements from the following constituencies: adolescents; indigenous youth; afro-descendants; ethnic, religious and caste minorities; persons living with disabilities;
    migrants & refugees; and climate justice activists.
  3. Compliance with the age requirement (below 30 years of age, with a priority for those below 24).
  4. Nomination to the Task Force will adhere to the leave no one behind principle ensuring diverse representation across intersectional identities, including marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, indigenous and ethnic identities, and refugee or migrant status.
  5. Proven experience in youth mobilization and youth leadership.
  6. Interest and motivation. Applicants are invited to indicate their interest and motivation to participate in YTF in the application form.
  7. Application as a member of a youth-led, youth-focused, youth-serving or adolescent-led organization, network or movement.
  8. Be available to dedicate at least 4 hours per week to the work of the YTF

Eligible Countries:

● Francophone countries
● Pacific Islands
● Caribbean (including but not limited to English speaking, French speaking, Spanishspeaking, Caribbean with African Descent)
● Central Asia

Number of Awards: The Youth Task Force will consist of 28 existing members and 12 new members from broad youth-led global networks, organizations and civic movements.

Value of Award: The Youth Task Force will be an opportunity for young people to:
● Represent youth constituencies on the governance structures of the Generation Equality Forum.
● Support and guide efforts of structures and processes to place young people at the center of the Beijing+25 processes and Generation Equality Campaign and Forums.
● Be part of a network of young supporters that will foster momentum on youth engagement for gender equality on a global level.
● Exchange expertise and knowledge with young people that are working towards the same objective.
● Recognition of contribution.

Duration of Award: The following are the known key dates for the global events of the Beijing+25 and Generation Equality processes:

● The 75th session of the General Assembly: September 2020
● CSW65: March 2020
● Generation Equality Forum – Mexico Early 2021 (the specific dates will be announced at a later stage)
● Generation Equality Forum – France Mid 2021 (the specific dates will be announced at a later stage).
● The 76th session of the General Assembly: September 2021

How to Apply: To apply, please familiarize yourself with the Call for ApplicationsTerms of ReferenceCriteria for Nomination and submit the Application Form by August 21st 2020 at 12:00 p.m. midday EST. Please note that the recommendation letter should be by your nominated organization.

  • It is important to go through all application requirements in the Award Webpage (see Link below) before applying.

Visit Award Webpage for Details


  • Ifeoma Chuks is a naturally-skilled writer. She has written and contributed to more than 6000 articles all over the internet that have formed solid experiences for particularly aspiring, young people around the globe.

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