List of Scholarships that will close in November 2022. Apply Now

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If you intend to apply for scholarships for the 2023/2024 academic session, consider these prestigious opportunities with coming deadlines all in November 2022. Check out other November scholarships if your preferred school with November deadline is not listed here.

American University of Beirut Graduate Scholarship in Health Science for MENA Countries

Get Up to $100,000 Student Loan for Your Master in US or Canada.

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Application Deadline: 3rd November

The American University of Beirut is offering scholarship opportunities to students from North Africa and the Middle East to study Graduate courses in Health Sciences for the Fall academic session.

MasterCard University of California, Berkeley Masters Scholarships for African Students – USA

Application Deadline: Varies (Between Nov and Jan)

At University of California Berkeley, the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program will provide holistic support – financial, academic, social, and career counselling – to Masters students from Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Study in USA: Berea College Fully-funded Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students

Application Deadline: 30th November

Berea College, one of the America’s top Universities, offers 100% funded scholarship to international students.

Study in USA: Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program at Boston College

Application Deadline: 1st November

The Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program is an undergraduate academic, merit program that annually awards full-tuition scholarships and fully-funded, GPSP-sponsored summer programs to 18 incoming freshman student

Canada: Québec Government Merit Scholarship Program for International Students

Application Deadline: 1st November

The Québec Government opens the Merit Scholarship Program for Foreign Students (PBEEE) to support the internationalization of research activities in Québec’s institutions of higher education.

WAAW Foundation Undergraduate STEM Scholarships for Young African Women

Application Deadline: 12th November

Working to Advance African Women (WAAW) Foundation are pleased to offer $500/year shcolarships for need-based female African students admitted to a University, College or institute of higher learning in Africa.

AAUW International Fellowship for Women (Masters & Doctoral program in USA)

Application Deadline: 15th November

AAUW International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported.

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Study in Norway: Kistefos Young Talented Leader Scholarships Program for African and Norwegian Students

Application Deadline: 1st November

The program will enable young talent from Norway and Africa with a vision for business and innovation to study at IE University.

Vanier Canadian Graduate Scholarship for Doctoral Study in Canadian Universities

Application Deadline: 2nd November

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (Vanier CGS) program helps Canadian institutions attract highly qualified doctoral students.

Chevening OCIS Abdullah Gül Fellowships at University of Oxford

Application Deadline: 2nd November

The Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Scholarship (OCISS) was established to allow muslim scholars undertake independent studies of benefit to the Muslim community.

ACI Foundation International Scholarships

Application Deadline: 2nd November

Undergraduate or postgraduate Fellowship for international students by ACI Foundation in the field of structural design, materials, construction, into schools in USA and Canada.

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Emory University Scholars Program for International Students

Application Deadline: 15th November

Emory University offers partial to full merit-based scholarships as part of the Emory University Scholar Programs to undergraduate students.

Fully-Funded 1,500 Chevening Scholarships in UK for Developing Countries

Application Deadline: 1st November

In just a few weeks’ time, approximately 1,500 dynamic future leaders from all over the world, and from all professional backgrounds, will arrive in the UK to start a life-changing year studying and discovering the UK as a Chevening Scholar. This time next year, this really could be you, and the first step to being awarded a prestigious Chevening Scholarship is to apply.

Transform Together Scholarships at Sheffield Hallam University – Undergraduate and Masters

Application Deadline: 1st November

Transform Together scholarships are open to students from any non-EU country applying to study at Sheffield Hallam University to enrol in the next academic year. The scholarships will be awarded to well-qualified students who demonstrate academic, personal or professional achievement on their scholarship application form. Successful applicants will be awarded with a certificate to mark their achievement following enrolment on their course.

Amelia Earhart Fellowship for Women in Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering – Up to $10,000

Application Deadline: 15th November

The Zonta International offers Amelia Earhart PhD Research fellowship for women of any nationality in Aerospace-related Sciences and Aerospace-related Engineering at any University or College offering Accredited Degrees.

Schlumberger Foundation Fellowship for Women from Developing countries

Application Deadline: 11th November

Each year, The Faculty for the Future fellowships, Launched by the Schlumberger Foundation, are awarded to women from developing and emerging economies who are preparing for PhD or post-doctoral study in the physical sciences and related disciplines at top universities for their disciplines abroad.

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Students and Artists

Application Deadline: Varies by countries, generally 30th November. However, be sure to check the application deadline of your own country.

This year, the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship is offering Masters scholarships to Art students (Artists). Every year, the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship is offered for PhD, Postdoctoral and Research for Foreign Students from Africa and other Countries to Study Abroad in Switzerland.

Study in Canada: Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Program for International Students

Application Deadline: 30th November

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program at the University of Toronto is intended to recognize international students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and creativity and who are recognized as leaders within their school.

SAWISE Angus Scholarship for African Women in Science and Technology (OPENING SOON)

Application Deadline: 15th November

The Association of South African Women in Science and Engineering (SAWISE) invites female students entering their Honours level/ 4th year of study to apply for the SAWISE scholarships.

Browse more scholarships in November 2022


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