Applications are now open for SA YOUTH 300,000 School Assistant | Presidential Youth Employment Initiative for Unemployed South Africans!
This Programme is for unemployed and not studying youth within the ages of 18- 35yrs residing in South Africa who have an interest in education and the community in which they reside to apply for assistant positions in the schools across province for a period of four months (December 2021 – March 2022).
Application Deadline: Ongoing
About the Award: The Department of Basic Education is offering 300,000 opportunities at schools throughout the country as school assistants – Eastern Cape, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North West, Northern Cape, Western Cape & Kwa-Zulu Natal available here. (For Gauteng schools apply at & for Free State schools apply in person).
Type: Job
Eligibility: Presidential Youth Employment Initiative is for unemployed and not studying youth within the ages of 18- 35yrs residing in South Africa who have an interest in education and the community in which they reside
Eligible Countries: South Africa
To be Taken at (Country): South Africa
Number of Awards: Numerous
Value of Award: R3500.00 per month stipend
Recruited youth will be placed in schools to assist in the following
- Classroom (Teaching and learning assistance)
- Administration (office and examination assistance)
- Asset Management
- General Maintenance of the Schools
- Cleaning
- IT and Data capturing (e-cadres)
- Sports, Health and Safety
Opportunities available: Education Assistant (must have Matric/gradel2) General Assistants (need not have Matric/grade 12)
Placement and duties: Public Ordinary, Special Schools and Hostels Assist with the following: • Classroom (teaching and learning assistance) • General Administration (Clerical and admin) • General/basic School Infrastructure Maintenance (repair, maintenance, inspection, plumbing, fittings etc) IT and data capturing (HRMS, SASAMS, DDD etc) Resource and information services to all learners and teachers (Library assistance). Cleaning, Cook, Laundry etc assistance (Hostel)
Duration of Award: 4 months
How to Apply:
Go to the SA Youth mobi-site and log-in or register. To qualify you MUST use this link
2. Applications will only be via the online data free SAYouth mobi-site platform
3. No ID number? call 0800 727272 for help registering
4. Having trouble registering? call 0800 727272 for help 5. Follow the attached step-by-step guide.
Training will be facilitated by the Guateng City Region Academy (GCRA)
I have a valid ID number
- Type in the link to register or login to South Africa (SA) Youth.
- If your ID already exists, you may have registered with SA Youth or Harambee – or TshepolM before. Go back to click on Login and use your ID number and existing password to log in.
- If you don’t remember your password, on the Login page, click on “I forgot my password”. If you don’t remember the details you used to register, contact us on 0800727272 to assist.
- Once you have registered please complete all questions. It will take you about 4 minutes.
- After you complete all questions you will see jobs at the schools near you. Click on the job you’re interested in and click on Apply Now to apply. If your school does not appear, click on Search to find it.
- Click the Profile icon at the bottom to enter additional education qualifications you have
- If you are successful, you will get an SMS by 1 December, Good luck!
I don’t have an ID number
- Type in the link http://bitly/SchoolAssistantNC, to register and apply
- Complete all the questions and search for your nearest schools to apply to
- You will need to know the district where you live. If you’re not sure ask an assistant or someone near you
Visit Award Webpage for Details