UBA Sierra Leone National Essay Competition 2020 for Secondary School Students

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Do you know you can win free cash for your Tertiary education anywhere in Africa? Enter for the UBA Sierra Leone National Essay Competition 2020 for Secondary School Students

Application Deadline: 11th December 2020

ESSAY QUESTION: “During the COVID-19 Pandemic school closures, explain the interventions you wish you had implemented to make your life at home or your community more comfortable”

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About the Award: NEC is for senior secondary students as part of UBA Foundation’s CSR pillar focusing on education, just like its Read Africa Initiative which is aimed at promoting the reading culture and encouraging healthy and intellectual competition amongst secondary school students across Africa.

NEC is a UBA Foundation Initiative scheduled to be organised every year in countries where UBA has presence. This program has been running for the past 9 years in several countries. I am happy to note that UBA Sierra Leone is joining other UBA Group subsidiaries in Africa to launch the programme this year.

Type: Contest

Selection Criteria: Senior Secondary School pupils- visually impaired students are also encouraged to participate by submitting their Essays by braille


  • Applicant must be a senior secondary school pupil
  • Applicant should upload scanned copy of their hand-written essay, of not less than 450 words and not above 500 words on the topic
  • Applicant must submit their essay only once.
  • Applicant Must submit a passport photograph and birth certificate
  • Applicant Must submit their essays on or before the 11th of December 2020, late entries will not be accepted.

Eligible Countries: Sierra Leone

To be Taken at (Country): Sierra Leone

Number of Awards: 12

Value of Award:

  1. First   – Le 50million
  2. Second – Le 30million
  3. Third – Le 20million


  • Trophies for the 3 National Winners
  • Laptop plus Plaque/Certificate of Participation for all the 12 Finalists

How to Apply:

  • Applicant must submit their completed contact information (Name, Age, School, Address of school, Telephone Number of Parents and Guardian, Residential Address and Email Address).
  • Applicants must attach photocopies of their birth certificates and a passport picture.
  • Applicant should send scanned hand-written essay to  [email protected] or WhatsApp to +23275142718
  • Applicants can also submit their hand-written essays at UBA branches across the country, and at MBSSE district offices nation-wide.

Visit Award Webpage for Details


  • Ifeoma Chuks is a naturally-skilled writer. She has written and contributed to more than 6000 articles all over the internet that have formed solid experiences for particularly aspiring, young people around the globe.

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