The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the South African Research Chair in Cities, Law and Environmental Sustainability (SARChI CLES) invites applications for a comprehensive 2-year LLM Scholarship (2021-2022).
Application Deadline: Now 20th November 2020 (Before: 30 September 2020).
About the Award: The objective of this Masters Scholarship Programme is to build research capacity in the context of the work of the KAS Strong Cities 2030 Programme and CLES. Together, these institutions aim at adding
new knowledge to the research fields of good urban governance, urban law, sustainable cities and the global and African regional development agenda.
Type: Masters
- The successful applicant (hereafter scholarship holder) would have to meet the entry requirements for a full-time LLM by Research degree at CLES (NWU).
- The scholarship holder must comply with all of the academic rules of the NWU (institutional) and the Faculty of Law as applicable to postgraduate students.
- The scholarship holder is expected to conduct a Masters study on a full-time basis that is directly related to the research agenda of CLES and the KAS “Strong Cities 2030” Project, under the supervision or co-supervision of the Chair holder.
- The scholarship holder is expected to be resident at the NWU in Potchefstroom, South Africa for the duration of the scholarship.
- The scholarship holder must either be a South African citizen or be in possession of a valid study permit issued by the South African Ministry of Home Affairs.
Eligible Countries: South Africa
To be Taken at (Country): South Africa
Number of Awards: Not specified
Value of Award: Funded
Duration of Award: The duration of the scholarship is February-December for a maximum period of two years, depending on satisfactory progress.
How to Apply: Prospective students to apply via email to:
[email protected] by 20 November 2020.
Applications to include the following:
• A cover letter with motivation for the application and outlining the
applicant’s research interests.
• A full CV.
• Two written references.
• Completed KAS questionnaire.
• Certified copies of all academic qualifications
• June results and / or academic transcript of previous degree.
• One example of written work on a topic relevant to CLES’s focus (preferably final text of a LLB-level dissertation or research assignment).
KAS and CLES will invite shortlisted candidates for an interview in
Johannesburg, South Africa or a virtual interview via Zoom.
Visit Award Webpage for Details