The Presidential Youth Empowerment Scheme (PYES) aims to create at least 774,000 empowerment opportunities through direct youth empowerment over a minimum period of two years.
Application Deadline: Ongoing
About the Award: The P-YES scheme covers the “Youth” defined in the Nigerian National youth policy (2009) as male and female individuals whose ages are between 18 and 40 years old.
Eligible Field(s):
- Agriculture
- ICT & Mobile money
- Fashion
- Catering
- Technical Acquisition
- Healthcare
- Food and beverages
Type: Entrepreneurship
Eligibility: The scheme will be accessible to the literate, semi-literate and the non-literate population.
The threshold for qualification is set at the basic ability and capacity to learn and be teachable.
In addition to the fore going, the following is set as the basic pre-conditions for enlistment;
- Applicant must be a Nigerian male or female between the ages of 18 and 40.
- Applicant must have a means of identification (National Identity card, International Passport, Permanent Voters Card- PVC).
- Applicant must provide a Second Level Beneficiary (SLB) to qualify for benefitting from the scheme.
- Ability to communicate in Basic English language and or any local Nigerian language.
- Provable upright character and a stable mind.
- Applicant must provide a guarantor preferably a community or religious leader.
- Ability to secure the endorsement of a local government official.
- Beneficiary should posses the capacity to transfer knowledge and mentor pairs within their communities.
- Applicants Must Complete a guarantor’s form
Eligible Countries: Nigeria
To be Taken at (Country): Nigeria
Number of Awards: Numerous
Value of Award:
- Seed Empowerment Tools (SET): Youth will undergo training and practical skills acquisition programmes in multiple vocations. The beneficiaries will be given Seed Empowerment Tools (SET), which they are expected to grow and further empower other members of their community.
- P-YES Seed Incubation Program: The P-YES Seed Incubation Program (PSIP) is anchored on the principle of two for one. That is, each of the 774,000 beneficiaries is expected to reproduce at least one beneficiary over a period of 12 months after being empowered with a seed business tool.
Duration of Award: 12 months
How to Apply: Are you interested in such an opportunity? Visit
- It is important to go through all application requirements in the Award Webpage (see Link below) before applying.
Visit Award Webpage for Details