The African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI) wishes to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (PDRF) funded through the Carnegie Developing Emerging Academic Leaders (DEAL) programme.
Application Deadline: 22nd December 2020
About the Award: The DEAL programme aims to embed early career researchers within accredited research groupings at the University of Cape Town to support their development as the next generation of African researcher leaders.
The post-doctoral research fellowship is aimed at enabling a recently graduated PhD researcher to develop their own independent research within one of ACDI priority thematic areas, under the guidance of senior academic and research staff within the ACDI network.
The Carnegie Developing Emerging Academic Leaders (DEAL) programme has a focus on African early career researchers, so we particularly encourage applications from citizens from South Africa and other African countries.
Eligible Field(s): ACDI is seeking candidates who propose an innovative initial two-year research programme in one of the following priority areas:
- Nature based solutions for climate change
- Economics and financing of climate adaptation
- Governance of interacting climate and other societal crises
- Synergies in poverty, inequality and climate action
- Modelling and assessment of climate risk in Africa
Type: Postdoctoral, Fellowship
- A PhD, awarded within the previous four years, within the field of social science or natural science relevant to the research theme the candidate wishes to work within.
- A strong publication record, given the applicant’s career stage.
- Desire and ability to work in an interdisciplinary research team setting.
- Excellent organizational capability and ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
- Experience in facilitating multi-stakeholder processes
- Experience in translation of research into knowledge for policy and practice
Selection Process:
- Only eligible and complete applications will be considered by the selection committee.
- If you have not heard within one month of the deadline, please assume your application has been unsuccessful.
- Interviews of short-listed candidates are likely take place in January 2021 and the successful candidate is expected to start as soon as possible thereafter.
Eligible Countries: African countries
To be Taken at (Country): University of Cape Town, South Africa
Number of Awards: Not specified
Value of Award: The value of the fellowship is R300,000 per year, payable as a tax-free stipend.
Conditions of award:
- Applicants may not previously have held a full-time permanent academic post.
- The successful applicant will be required to register as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Cape Town and will be expected to commence the required research at a mutually agreed date that is ideally no later than end of 1 April 2021.
- The successful applicant will be required to comply with the university’s approved policies, procedures and practices for the postdoctoral sector.
Duration of Award: The fellowship is valid for two years, with continuation into a second year conditional on achievement of agreed outputs.
How to Apply: Applicants should submit, combined into a single PDF (i) an application letter that includes a short description of their expertise and research interests, and how these relate to the position, (ii) a CV, including a publication list, (iii) copies of academic transcripts and/or certificates, and (iv) email addresses of at least two references who have been directly involved in their PhD and/or previous postdoctoral research.
Candidates are strongly encouraged to discuss potential research areas with potential ACI mentors in advance of submitting their application, as follows:
- Nature based solutions for climate change: Professor Sheona Shackleton (
- Economics and financing of climate adaptation: Professor Mark New (
- Governance of climate and non-climate risks: Professor Gina Ziervogel (
- Synergies in poverty, inequality and climate action: Dr Britta Rennkamp (, Dr. Jiska de Groot (, Dr. Nadine Methner (
- Modelling and assessment of climate risk in Africa: Professor Mark New ( and Christopher Trisos (
- It is important to go through all application requirements in the Award Webpage (see Link below) before applying.
Visit Award Webpage for Details