Applications are invited from highly motivated, self-driven citizens of Botswana for the Position of Assistant Teacher—(Primary/to teach in various Primary Schools across the country tenable in all the 10 Regions. Applicants must be willing to serve in any part of the country.
Application Deadline: 15th January 2021
About the Award:

Type: Job
Diploma in Primary Education/Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education
To impart knowledge and skills to students through teaching.
- Imparts academic knowledge and skills to students and ensures effective implementation of the prescribed syllabus.
- Sets, types, administer exercises and tests to students’ work. • Marks internal examinations.
- Invigilates internal examinations.
- Coordinates extra – curricular activities.
- Instills discipline to learners.
- Monitors attendance of students.
- Manages academic performance of the students.
- Supervises study, meals and general cleaning.
- Maintains students profile in order to identify specific areas where individual students need support, remediation and enrichment.
Strategic Skills
- Creativity
- Functional/Technical
- Learning on the Fly Operating Skills
- Planning
- Organizing
- Priority Setting
- Managing & Measuring work
- Time Management Courage
- Conflict Management
Energy and Drive
- Drive for Results
- Action Oriented Organizational Positioning
- Presentation Skills
- Written Communication Personal and Interpersonal skills
- Approachability
- Compassion
- Customer focus
- Ethics and values
- Integrity and trust
- Motivating others
- Building effective teams
- Listening
- Interpersonal Savvy
- Managing Diversity
- Patience
Eligible Countries: Botswana
To be Taken at (Country): Botswana
Value of Award:
- (i) Optional Contributory Medical Aid Scheme (Government pays 50% and employee pays 50%) (ii) Compulsory contributory Pension Fund (Government pays 15% and employee 5%)
- C4/3 (P93, 667 — P130, 296 per annum)
- 25 Working days per annum
How to Apply:
Applicants should quote the reference and Vacancy Circular number and provide the following details:
1. Full name, address, place and date of birth.
2. Detailed and updated Curriculum Vitae.
3. Certified copies of Certificates together with their transcripts.
4. Certified copy of the National Identity Card.
5. Two (2) recent work related References (not more than six (6) months old)
6. All applications should be routed through supervisors.
N.B Applicants not called for either written or oral interviews should consider themselves unsuccessful and should not expect to be written regret letter (s).
All applications should be addressed to The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Basic Education Private Bag 005, Gaborone, Botswana
Hand delivered to; Ministry of Basic Education, Headquarters Government Enclave, Records Management Unit, Ground Floor, Office 48A (Registry)
For further information or any clarification regarding the advert, please contact Recruitment and Placement Office on 3657315, 3657314.
Visit Award Webpage for Details