TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences 2021 for Researchers

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TWAS Research Grants are awarded to high-level promising research projects in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics carried out by individual scientists in the S&T-lagging countries  (S&TLC) identified by TWAS.

Application Deadline: 14th April 2021

About the Award: Under this scheme, grants are awarded to promising high-level research projects in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics carried out by individual scientists in one of the S&T-lagging countries identified by TWAS.

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The TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences was established in response to the needs of researchers in developing countries, particularly those attached to institutions that lack appropriate research facilities. Under this scheme, grants can be awarded for research projects in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics either to individual young researchers, or to research units in the science-and-technology-lagging countries (S&TLC) identified by TWAS, to enable them to purchase the research facilities they need to enhance their productivity.

The TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences aims to:

  • Reinforce and promote scientific research in basic sciences in developing countries;
  • Strengthen developing countries’ endogenous capacity in science;
  • Reduce the exodus of scientific talents from the South;
  • Build and sustain units of scientific excellence in S&TLC over a longer period to help them achieve a critical mass of highly qualified and innovative scientists capable of addressing real-life problems facing their countries.

The TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences complements that of the International Foundation for Science (IFS). The two organizations maintain close contact to ensure the complementarity of the two schemes and to avoid duplication. The TWAS Research Grants Programme supports research in the basic sciences only; proposals focusing on more applied research should therefore be submitted to IFS. TWAS cannot accept projects relating to applications in agriculture or medicine or that use existing techniques to screen, for example, medicinal plants for bioactive substances or to monitor an environment for pollutants; TWAS will have to reject such proposals.

The TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences is generously supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Italian government. The Sida contribution is mainly intended to support research proposals from S&TLCs in dire need of basic research tools.

Eligible Field(s): Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics

Type: Grants


  • Individual applicants must be nationals of developing countries. They must hold a PhD, be at the beginning of their careers, but already have some research experience. They must hold a position at a university or research institution in one of the S&TLCs and be under 45 years of age.
  • Applicant must at the time of application NOT have an active research grant with TWAS or OWSD Early Career Women Scientists (ECWS) Fellowship.
  • Applications from women scientists and those working in Least Developed Countries are especially encouraged.
  • You must submit a strong Research Proposal, you may find further information on how to wrtire a strong proposal by visiting AuthorAID.
  • Individual scientists who submit a satisfactory final report on a previous grant may apply for a renewal.
  • Please be advised that applicants may apply for only one programme per calendar year in the TWAS and OWSD portfolio. Applicants will not be eligible to visit another institution in that year under the TWAS Visiting Professor programmes. One exception: The head of an institution who invites an external scholar to share his/her expertise under the TWAS Visiting Professor programmes may still apply for another programme.

Eligible Countries: Science- and technology-lagging countries

Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of Award: Research Grants to individual scientists amount to a maximum of USD 15,000.

The grants, which are normally provided for a period of 24 months, may be used to purchase scientific equipment, consumables and specialized literature (textbooks and proceedings only). They do not cover salaries of researchers and/or students, field expenses, or travel expenses. In addition, the purchase of laptops, tablets, drones and laboratory animals is not supported.

Duration of Award: 24 months

How to Apply:

  • TWAS Research Grant applications can ONLY be submitted online now by clicking on the “Apply Now” tab at the bottom of this page.
  • Please note that a researcher may only submit one application at a time and for only one kind of grant (either as an individual applicant, as a research unit, IsDB or the OWSD Early Career Women Scientists (ECWS) Fellowship). Applicants cannot apply for other TWAS programmes i.e. Postdoctoral, Visiting Scholar and Visiting Researcher programme within the same year in order to be present in their home country throughout the duration of the grant.

Visit Award Webpage for Details


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