DBE First World School Milk Day (WSMD) Competition 2021for Grade R-6 Students in South Africa

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DBE First World School Milk Day (WSMD) Competition for Grade R-6 Students in South Africa.

When is Application Deadline:

15th October 2021

Tell Me About DBE First World School Milk Day (WSMD) Competition:

The first World School Milk Day (WSMD) was celebrated in schools during September 2000 and has since become an annual global event held in many countries throughout the world. In South Africa, WSMD was celebrated for the first time on 28 September 2016. The aim of the celebration is to increase awareness and highlight the significance of milk in a balanced diet, where milk comes from, how it is processed, and the nutritional benefits and the importance of milk for growing children.

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This year, the DBE, through the NSNP in collaboration with the Milk Producers Organisation (MPO) and Consumer Education Project of Milk South Africa (CEP), is running a virtual campaign for World School Milk Day 2021. The competition is open for all public schools from grade R-6. The teacher is expected to develop and present the lesson plan on dairy farming (from CAPS document) over the WSMD period. Using the activity sheets created by the Consumer Education Project of Milk South Africa (CEP) with DBE inputs, the competition is utilised as a tool to assess if a learner can comprehend what they have been taught. The activity sheets focus on the CAPS document for the Foundation and Intermediate Phases where dairy and nutrition is the prescribed topic.

What Type of Scholarship is this?


Who is Eligible?

  • The competition is open for all public schools from grade R-6. The teacher is expected to develop and present the lesson plan on dairy farming (from CAPS document) over the WSMD period.
  • Using the activity sheets created by the Consumer Education Project of Milk South Africa (CEP) with DBE inputs, the competition is utilised as a tool to assess if a learner can comprehend what they have been taught.

How are Applicants Selected?

  • The competition activity sheets will be sent out via email by the PEDs/Districts to the participating schools.
  • The participating schools will need to have access to the internet and have their own individual school social media accounts. Where a school does not have its own account, a teacher can be nominated to submit on behalf of the school.
  • Participating schools will have to print out and circulate the activity sheets among the learners to complete (as part of their planned lesson activity or extramural).
  • The school can nominate a winner per grade that best represents the identity of the school and submit it online to the DBE via Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/BasicEd).
  • The competition will run from 29 September and closing date of entries will be 15th October.

Which Countries are Eligible?

South Africa

How to Apply for DBE First World School Milk Day (WSMD) Competition:

  • The entry must be posted as a comment on the pinned #WSMDCompetition post of the DBE’s Facebook wall (https://www.facebook.com/BasicEd).
  • The entry should be uploaded with the winning picture, the name of the school, the learner’s first name and grade.
  • The following handles @BasicEd@RediscoverDAIRY@milkproducersSA should be tagged.
  • The following Hash tags must be used: #EnjoyDAIRY, #WSMD2021


  • Ifeoma Chuks is a naturally-skilled writer. She has written and contributed to more than 6000 articles all over the internet that have formed solid experiences for particularly aspiring, young people around the globe.

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