Pan African University Sabbatical Leave Placement Opportunities at PAULESI for 2021/2022 Academic Session
Table of Contents
When is the Application Deadline:
18th November 2021
Tell Me About Pan African University Sabbatical Leave Award:
The Pan African University (PAU) is a flagship Institution of the African Union Commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This was the culmination of the decision of the Assembly of Heads of State and Governments of the African Union to create the Pan African University (EX.CL/579(XVII). It has five Institutes namely Life and Earth Sciences (including Health and Agriculture) at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria; Governance, Humanities, and Social Sciences at University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon; Science, Technology and Innovation at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya; Water and Energy (including Climatic change) at University Tlemcen, Algeria and the Institute of Space Sciences, South Africa.
Which Fields are Eligible?
The Pan African University Institute of Life and Earth Sciences (PAULESI), is currently offering seven thematic areas namely:
- Plant Breeding (MSc/PhD)
- Sport Management and Policy Development (MSc)
- Environmental Management (MSc/PhD)
- Medicinal Plant Research and Drug Development (MSc)
- Geosciences with Mineral Exploration and Petroleum Geoscience options (MSc/PhD)
- Veterinary Medicine with Avian Medicine, and Vaccine Production and Quality Control options (MSc)
- Reproductive Health Sciences with Reproductive Health (MSc/PhD)
The PAU nurtures quality and exemplifies excellence and admits African students from all over the continent including the Diaspora. Consequently, PAULESI is seeking renowned experts in the various thematic areas being offered in the institute from all over Africa and the Diaspora to internationalize and beef up the quality of its Faculty.
To this end, PAULESI invites full time academic staff from renowned universities all over the world willing to share their experience to respond to this call.
What Type of Scholarship is this?
Who can apply for Pan African University Sabbatical Leave Award?
- The programmes are offered at Masters and PhD levels. Qualified academic staff will be expected to participate in teaching/supervision/organizing practical’s/clinics for agreed periods starting from 1st April to 30th September 2021. Furthermore, they will be expected to set and mark answer scripts at the end of the semester. The language of instruction is English, so applicants must be fluent in English.
- Applicants must be full Professors, Associate Professors and Senior Lecturers with minimum of PhD and 3 years teaching experience from recognized universities. Applicants should show evidence of handling similar courses in their institutions. Official letter from the relevant authorizing official from the home university is required to take up the placement.
Which Countries are Eligible?
Applications are invited from qualified candidates from all over Africa, Asia, Europe, and Americas and beyond meeting the qualifications criteria above. Female applicants are encouraged to apply.
How will Award be Taken?
The teaching mode shall be hybrid; face to face and online via the virtual learning platform.
How Many Scholarships will be Given?
Not specified
What is the Benefit of Pan African University Sabbatical Leave Award?
- Return Economy air ticket.
- Single occupancy accommodation for self will be provided, however, staff wishing to be accompanied by their spouses may have to meet the cost of upgrade.
- An allowance of USD 1,000.00 per month for the period.
- Office space with internet facility will be provided.
How Long will the Program Last?
The duration of their physical stay at PAULESI would be six months between 1st April and 30th September 2022.
How to Apply for Pan African University Sabbatical Leave Award:
Applicants should state the thematic area of interest; in pdf format including detailed, signed and dated, current curriculum vitae (CV). The CV should among others include qualifications, teaching experience/professional experience, prizes, grants/awards and publications. Contact details of referees and details of next of kin. University approval to be at PAULESI.
Sabbatical leave applicants must indicate from the available thematic areas at least two (2) courses per semester they intend to teach. In all, they may choose four courses during the period. The participants will be expected to teach, guide students in research and publications, undertake students’ assessment, and tests for small class size (under 10) students. Other pertinent ideas and academic/research contributions are welcome.
Applications be mailed to: [email protected] kindly note that only electronic copies of applications will be accepted. All documents to be submitted must be in a single file
Further Information
Further Enquiries should be directed to:
The Deputy Director
Pan African University
Institute of Life and Earth Sciences
University of Ibadan
Ibadan, Nigeria
Tel: +234 70 350 15980/+234 8056962900
Visit Pan African University Sabbatical Leave Webpage for Details