
Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) Bursary 2023 for Unemployed Graduates

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Ifeoma Chuks
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Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) Bursary 2023 for Unemployed Graduates. Apply below!

When is the Application Deadline:

28th Feb 2023

Tell Me About Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) Bursary:

The Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) is a branch of the Gauteng Department of Education that aims to promote skills development in Gauteng, South Africa. This is done through the establishment of learnerships, internships, bursaries (GCRA bursary), skills programme and career guidance programmes. The Gauteng youth, business sectors and Gauteng government employees are the major beneficiaries of the GCRA.

The GCRA has developed an Unemployment database in order to identify participants for development programs. The employment opportunities will come from Gauteng Provincial Government departments, municipalities, government agencies and the private sectors. Interviews, as well as other application procedures and results, will be used as a basis for program selection. The aim is to build a skilled, capable and ethical workforce for the region. 

What Type of Scholarship is this?


Who can apply for Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) Bursary?

To be selected for the bursary award, you must fulfill the eligibility criteria. Since there are a limited number of bursaries on offer, GCRA cannot award them to everyone who’s applying. The criteria are in place to select the appropriate candidates. Applicants that do not meet all of the requirements will not be considered. Therefore, always cross-check before applying.

The eligibility requirements for Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) Bursary 2023 are:

  • Must be a South African citizen
  • Must reside within the Gauteng province
  • Must be between the age of 18 to 35 at the time of applying
  • Must have completed Matriculation
  • Students on an undergraduate programme must be either studying or have registered themselves to study at a PSET (Post School Education and Training) that’s registered and accredited institution
  • Postgrad students must be either studying or have registered themselves to study at an institution of higher learning
  • Must have a strong academic record

Not everyone fulfilling the above criteria will be selected. The applicants who meet the following criteria will get preference over others and will automatically be selected:

  • Top achiever at their school in Gauteng
  • Belong to the top three learners if studying at a no-fee paying government school in Gauteng
  • Belong to the top three learners if studying at an LSEN (Learners with Special Education Needs) school in Gauteng

Which Countries are Eligible?

South Africa

Where will Award be Taken?

South Africa

How Many Scholarships will be Given?

Not specified

What is the Benefit of Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) Bursary?

GCRA is offering financial assistance to students who want to continue their education but lack the resources to cover the cost of study. The GCRA bursary programme is intended for both undergraduate students and those in post-graduate studies who reside within the province of Gauteng. Students can be in any field of study. As long as they meet the eligibility requirements (detailed in the next section), they can apply for the bursary funding.

Once awarded, the bursary will cover the following expenses:

  • Registration fees
  • Tuition fees
  • Accommodation cost
  • Books
  • Laptop

Those staying in residence will receive a maximum amount of R 65,000. Students residing off-campus or in private accommodation will receive a maximum of R 47,000. GCRA will calculate the final amount each bursar will receive.

Shortlisted candidates will get notification regarding their selection within 3 to 4 weeks of the closing date. If you didn’t receive any email or phone call by then, consider your application to be unsuccessful.

How to Apply for Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) Bursary:

To apply for the Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) Bursary 2023, you must complete the application process. It is a simple, online process. While it’s simple, you need to be diligent and attentive while completing the steps. Incomplete or erroneous submissions are rejected without further consideration.

GCRA bursary online application form is available for the applicants at

Visit Award Webpage for Details


  • Ifeoma Chuks is a naturally-skilled writer. She has written and contributed to more than 6000 articles all over the internet that have formed solid experiences for particularly aspiring, young people around the globe.

    Content Manager

This post was last modified on February 7, 2023 1:35 pm
