Call for Papers: Managing Migration in the Horn of Africa 2022

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Call for Papers: Managing Migration in the Horn of Africa 2022

When is the Application Deadline:

1st September 2022 CEST.

Tell Me About Call for Papers: Managing Migration in the Horn of Africa:

With support from the European Union, Cities Alliance is launching a Call for Papers to identify, compile, and disseminate best practices, methodologies, and strategies on migration and refugee management at the local level in the Horn of Africa. 

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The call is part of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF): Inclusive Urban Development and Mobility – Regional Network and Dialogue Action, supported by the EU Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) for Africa.

The objective of this Call for Papers is to learn and disseminate best practices on migration and refugee management from the cities of the CRRF Action: Arua and Koboko, Uganda; Borama and Gabiley, Somalia; Assosa and Jigjiga, Ethiopia; and Kakuma/Kalobeyei, Kenya. 

The top papers will be edited and published in a compendium of regional best practices produced by Cities Alliance. The author of the winning paper will be invited to present the findings to key local and national authorities during the final peer-learning event of the Action in Koboko, Uganda, in March 2023.

Which Fields are Eligible?

The paper must focus on the topic of migration and refugee management at the local level, drawing on research on local best practices for improved inclusion and participation of displaced persons in local economic and social life.  

Examples of potential focus areas include, but are not limited to, the sub-topics outlined below:

  • Successful practices from cities in the social and economic inclusion of refugees, displaced persons, and host communities 
  • How to strengthen the role of cities in migration and refugee management 
  • How to promote local inclusion and adequate service delivery for all
  • The impact of the CRRF on refugee inclusion 

What Type of Scholarship is this?

Call for Papers

Who can apply for Call for Papers: Managing Migration in the Horn of Africa?

The call is open to graduate and undergraduate students from universities from the Horn of Africa. The papers should focus on (at least) one city participating in the Action: Arua and Koboko, Uganda; Borama and Gabiley, Somalia; Assosa and Jigjiga, Ethiopia; and Kakuma/Kalobeyei, Kenya.

Papers can be co-authored, but they must include at least one university student. (In this case, only one author will attend the conference and present the paper). 

How are Applicants Selected?

The papers will be reviewed by a panel of international experts and local stakeholders, including key local authorities. 

  • Abstracts should present a clear, compelling research question.
  • Preference will be given to the presentation of original, field-based research.
  • Papers should be policy-based and solutions-oriented and should critically examine existing projects and/or propose new strategies for tackling issues related to migration and refugee management at the local level.

The selection process is expected to be completed by December 2022.

How Many Scholarships will be Given?

Not specified

What is the Benefit of Call for Papers: Managing Migration in the Horn of Africa?

The selected papers will be edited and published in a compendium.

How to Apply for Call for Papers: Managing Migration in the Horn of Africa:

  • Length: Maximum of 10 pages (approximately 5,000 words)
  • Language: English
  • Deadline: 1 September 2022 by midnight CEST

All submissions must include:

  • A photo (high resolution, jpg or png) to illustrate your best practice 
  • A short description of the author with photo
  • An abstract (maximum of 500 words) that contains a title, description of the key findings, author name, and affiliation, and city.

Applications are to be sent to [email protected] with the subject line: Call for Paper 2022 + the name of the city studied.

It is important to go through all application requirements before applying.


Visit Award Webpage for Details


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