African Astronomical Society (AfAS) Master & PhD Prizes 2022 for African Students

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African Astronomical Society (AfAS) Master & PhD Prizes 2022 for African Students

When is Application Deadline?

9th May 2022 

Tell Me About African Astronomical Society (AfAS) Master & PhD Prizes:

Established by the AfAS Early-Careers Working Group, the inaugural AfAS MSc and PhD Prizes aim to recognize and reward the outstanding accomplishments achieved by academically talented African students who recently defended their Master’s or PhD thesis in the field of Astronomy (including Astrophysics & Space Science). A total of 8 prizes (4 MSc, 4 PhD) to be shared over 4 African regions (North, South, East, and West Africa) will be conferred each year with a cash prize of $400 for an MSc and $800 for a PhD award, respectively.

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The African Astronomical Society (AfAS) is the primary pan-African professional society representing astronomers from across the continent.  AfAS aims to create and support a globally competitive and collaborative astronomy community in Africa and to be the voice of astronomy in the continent while contributing to addressing the challenges faced by Africa through the promotion and advancement of astronomy.

What Type of Scholarship is this?

Master & PhD

Who can apply for African Astronomical Society (AfAS) Master & PhD Prizes?

To qualify for the award, you should fulfil the following conditions:

  • Candidates must be a citizen of an African country.
  • Candidates must have conducted their research degree in Astronomy (including Astrophysics & Space Science) at an academic or scientific research institute in Africa.
  • Candidates must have successfully completed their degree (graduated or at least received a notification from their university) within a year of the call, i.e. between 30 April 2021 and 30 April 2022 for the 2022 MSc/PhD Prize. Theses which are submitted or in preparation but not yet defended are not eligible.

How are Applicants Selected?

Applications will be reviewed and ranked by AfAS PhD Prize Committee based on the following criteria:

  • Excellence of the overall academic performance and achievements;
  • Relevance and originality of the MSc/PhD thesis;
  • Publication track record, commensurate with the applicant’s career stage;
  • Participation in scientific meetings and research presentations;
  • Impact of the research work in the advancement of Astronomy in Africa.

AfAS reserves the right not to award any prize in part or in whole.

Which Countries are Eligible?

All African countries

How Many Prizes will be Given?


What is the Benefit of African Astronomical Society (AfAS) Master & PhD Prizes?

A total of 8 prizes (4 MSc, 4 PhD) to be shared over 4 African regions (North, South, East, and West Africa) will be conferred each year with a cash prize of $400 for an MSc and $800 for a PhD award, respectively.

How to Apply for African Astronomical Society (AfAS) Master & PhD Prizes?


  • A detailed CV including list of scientific publications (maximum 3 pages) and contact details of two academic referees;
  • A one page summary of the most important publications, if applicable;
  • A thesis summary (maximum 2 pages) including  (but are not limited to)  the research title, the scientific rationale, the most significant findings and conclusions;
  • A motivation letter addressed to the AfAS Science Committee explaining why the applicant deserves the prize; 
  • Copies of official academic records (transcripts); 
  • A certified copy of the most recent completed degree.

Applicants should also arrange for signed recommendation letters from two academic referees to be sent directly to Dr Charles Takalana by 09 May 2022. At least one letter must be from the thesis advisor who is familiar with the applicant’s research work.

Incomplete applications or files submitted after the deadline, as well as applications that do not meet the conditions of eligibility, will not be taken into consideration. 

If you are submitting any supporting documents in your local language, you must upload at least an informal translation into English. 

Visit Award Webpage for Details


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