Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund 2023 (up to $25,000 Grant)

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund 2023 (up to $25,000 Grant). Apply below.

When is Application Deadline?

31st October 2022

What is the Award?

Applications open for the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund 2022.The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund is a cutting-edge philanthropy that awards modest funding to projects that include getting your hands dirty in the field and saving the world’s most endangered species.

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The MBZ Fund empowers conservationists to battle the extinction catastrophe through creative micro-financing rather than through red tape and bureaucracy. Over 2000 awards given by the Fund to various species worldwide so far.

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund a charitable endowment created with the following goals:

  • Grants given to specific species protection projects.
  • Leaders in the field of species protection honored; and
  • Increase the significance of species in the larger discussion of conservation

The Fund’s influence is genuinely global, and all species are equally important to it. Subject to the permission of an independent evaluation committee, it is available to funding support applications from conservationists based anywhere in the world. Projects focusing on any and all plant, animal, and fungal species supported.

To guarantee that their essential work receives the attention it merits and to enhance the significance of species in the global conservation discourse, the Fund will also honor luminaries in the fields of scientific research and species conservation.

What Type of Award is This?

Entrepreneurship (Grants)

Who is Eligible?

  • Application submissions made in English.
  • Budget submissions made in US dollars.
  • Maximum Grant: The Fund’s maximum grant amount is $25,000. Any application requesting a grant from the Fund in excess of this amount will be denied.
  • Status of conservation: Because the Fund was created to support work on species conservation, it is generally not worthwhile to apply if your project is not concerning an endangered species.
  • The IUCN Redlist ( will be the Fund’s main resource for information on the conservation status of a particular species, however it will also take into consideration known differences for subspecies, unique populations, and sub-populations.
  • They welcome the submission of quantitative data to confirm a species status for those species not examined by the IUCN Redlist as well as other methods of assessment.
  • The Fund typically prioritizes highly endangered species with extinction (with a focus on Endangered and Critically Endangered species), as well as those categorized as Data Deficient or unlisted but suspected of being highly threatened.
  • Please make sure the application’s conservation status is accurate and cross-referenced to a website or other source. If you are unsure or would need some advice, it would be helpful to speak with the appropriate IUCN/SSC Specialist Group.
  • Please note that funding NOT accepted for submissions with blatantly wrong conservation status and no reason.


  • Content: All written material submitted as part of an application should be succinct, precise, and include explicitly stated quantitative goals, aims, and methodologies. Please keep in mind when writing an application that the Advisory Board and the Fund’s board of directors can only read so much text. Projects that assist the professional growth of young conservationists given priority.
  • In situ conservation:the Fund primarily interested in supporting in situ conservation activities in the field, with an emphasis on the species in its natural environment (such as survey work and data gathering, direct intervention, recovery management, training, and the like). In some cases, however, grants awarded to programs that concentrate on ex situ conservation work due to the recognition of the value of ex situ work (genetic analysis, workshops, ex situ populations, etc.).
  • Core costs: The Fund will not contribute to an organization’s administrative or core operating costs, but it does acknowledge that support wages, stipends, per diems, and project-related living expenses occasionally play a crucial role in in situ conservation efforts.
  • Species: In general, the Fund prefers to sponsor programs that concentrate on a single species, but it also acknowledges that in particular geographic and taxonomic situations, grouping many species makes more sense.
  • Grant amount: The Fund won’t give out more than $25,000 in grants.
  • Grants for continuation: The Fund pleased to continue funding a project that it had previously sponsored, that is now finished, and for which it had received all necessary reports by the deadline for that submission.
  • External review: The Advisory Board and/or the Fund’s board of directors may occasionally request that an application forwarded for further examination, which could extend the turnaround time.
  • Online: only applications filed via the Fund’s web-based, online system taken into consideration. Although supporting files can be emailed as attachments, the application itself must be submitted online.

What is the Benefit of Award?

Grants given out up to $25,000 for each project, depending on how well they can accomplish the requirements established by the Species Fund.

How to Apply:

Apply below.


Visit Award Webpage for Details


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