Institute of Current World Affairs (ICWA) Funded Fellowship 2023 for Young Leaders – Washington DC, USA. Apply below.
When is Application Deadline: 31st May 2023
Tell Me About Award: ICWA advances deep knowledge of global cultures and affairs. We achieve that by supporting fellows for two-year immersive programs of independent research and writing abroad.
The institute plans to appoint two fellows in 2023. One fellowship will be open to any topic and region. The second will be for the study of diverse approaches to health care delivery, including integrative medicine, and aspects of society they reflect in multiple countries.
Type: Fellowship
Who can Apply? We are looking for promise, curiosity and enthusiasm in candidates, and consider whether they are ready for the rapid personal growth the fellowship makes possible. Extensive professional experience in a proposed area is not always necessary; fellowships are aimed at developing local knowledge and writing skills, not necessarily awarding research or reporting opportunities to those who already possess them. Strong candidates propose compelling fellowship topics.
About your Project
A proposed fellowship must hold the promise of enriching public life in the United States by advancing the understanding of foreign countries, cultures and trends. Public service, social activism or contribution to wider knowledge in the United States is our ultimate purpose, from a belief the public benefits from the wisdom and experience fellows acquire.
Given our interest in achieving wide geographic distribution over time, we generally are less inclined to select projects in countries where we currently or very recently have had fellows. We are naturally drawn to areas of the world and topics that are less well understood and are relevant to the United States. Candidates are encouraged to browse ICWA’s archives to see the kind of projects that the institute has supported.
Which Countries are Eligible? Any
Where will Award be Taken? USA
How Many Awards? 2
What is the Benefit of Award?
How Long will Award Last? 2 years
How to Apply: Those interested in applying for an Institute of Current World Affairs Fellowship should send an initial letter of interest and resume or CV in English to the institute via email. (Post is also accepted.)
In your letter of interest, tell us what you would do if you had a two-year, self-designed fellowship overseas and why you’re the right person to carry it out. There is no fixed length for the letter of interest. Please indicate your age, as applicants must be under the age of 36 at the time the letter of interest is due.
The strongest applicants will be invited to submit a more detailed application.
Selected fellows are expected to depart for their fellowships within six months of their selection.
We are unable to respond to all applications but will consider all those that fit our fellowship requirements.
For applications via post:
Institute of Current World Affairs
1818 N St. NW, Ste 460
Washington, DC 20036
Visit Award Webpage for Details
This post was last modified on May 30, 2023 11:01 am