develoPPP Ventures Ideas Competition 2023: Apply now for growth funding for your start-up. Apply below.
When is Application Deadline: 30th June 2023
Tell Me About Award: Suitable start-ups to be funded through develoPPP Ventures are selected during an open ideas competition. This takes place twice a year and is open to all start-ups that meet the conditions for participation. Depending on the target country, the funding contract is concluded with one of the two implementing partners, DEG Impulse gGmbH or Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Type: Entrepreneurship
Who can Apply?
The complete conditions of participation for the develoPPP Ventures ideas competition can be found HERE
How are Applicants Selected? Applications for develoPPP Ventures go through a multi-stage selection process. First, a selection is made on the basis of the application documents and pitches. The companies that are successful in this phase are then reviewed as part of the due diligence process, for which more detailed information is evaluated (i.e. the business plan including financial projections (for at least 5 years), annual financial statements, information on other investors).
Which Countries are Eligible? African countries
How Many Awards? Not specified
What is the Benefit of Award?
How to Apply: The develoPPP Ventures ideas competition takes place twice a year for six weeks at the end of each quarter (June and December). Do you meet the conditions of participation (PDF) and would like to apply for funding? Here’s how:
Each application will first be evaluated on the basis of consistent and transparent criteria. If your application is successful in the competition, you will be given the opportunity to pitch to the decision-making committee of DEG Impulse and GIZ. The best candidates will then undergo an on-site review (due diligence), which, if successful, will be followed by a funding contract.
Visit Award Webpage for Details
This post was last modified on June 7, 2023 3:23 pm