The Eastern Cape Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism invites applications for the Experiential Learnership Programme 2023/2025. Apply below.
When is Application Deadline: 21st July 2023
Tell Me About Award: The Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT) is the affirmative action employer, therefore, people from the designated groups are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to PWD.
Type: Internship
How Many Awards? Not specified
What is the Benefit of Award? R3 500.00 per month
How to Apply? Applications must be submitted using the newly implemented Z83 form obtainable on the Department of Water and Sanitations website, under career opportunities or the DPSA website, under vacancies in the Public Service (point 4) and should be accompanied by a comprehensive CV (with full particulars of the applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies, knowledge & experience).
All required information on the Z83 application form must be provided. Other related documentation such as copies of qualifications, identity document, driver’s license etc need not to accompany the application when applying for a post as such documentation must only be produced by shortlisted candidates during the interview date.
Applicants are encouraged to apply via the e-recruitment system only. Utilise the
e-recruitment system which is available on or
The E-Recruitment system is available 24/7 for applications and closes at 23:59 on the closing date. To report glitches with the E-Recruitment system and assistance regarding the activation of your profile,
send an email to: (NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVS). with your ID Number, your profile email address, details of the issue.
Technical support is limited to working hours: (08:00-16:30 MonThurs and 08:00-16:00 on Fri). Technical support person for E-Recruitment: O. Desi (
Should you submit your applications/CV to: and not as specified, your application will be regarded as lost and will not be considered.
Please take note, NO hand delivered applications will be allowed. Applicants must apply online using through the E-recruitment system.
This post was last modified on July 14, 2023 5:02 pm