
How Much Does It Cost To Study Stem Courses In the USA?

Published by
Liberty Okechukwu
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The study of STEM courses (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) specializes in a variety of specializations that fall under these four broad subjects. They are chosen according to your interests. Additionally, STEM programs in the USA are some of the most sought-after for international students, and that makes it very difficult to gain admission to some of the top universities.

STEM courses are highly competitive in the USA, and this guide looks at how much it costs to study STEM courses in the USA.

What are STEM courses in the USA?

STEM courses in the USA refer to educational programs that help nurture minds and enhance the study of technology and research in universities. 

The high demand for the course is due to the fact that it has high-level professions and careers linked to it. In addition to that, it offers students some of the most rewarding and financially fulfilling careers in the world. 

Furthermore, the USA offers some of the best institutions where STEM courses can be studied, as well as a curriculum that enhances technological knowledge in students. More specifically, STEM courses provide the foundation for innovations in fields like engineering, technology, and computer science. 

List of STEM Courses in the USA: 

Here is a list of STEM courses in the USA for students: 

  •  Aeronautical or Aerospace
  •  Animal Science and Agricultural Engineering
  •  Architectural Engineering
  •  Behavioral Sciences
  •  Astronomy
  •  Biochemistry 
  •  Biology
  •  Botany 
  •  Biomedical Technology
  •  Chemical Engineering
  •  Chemistry
  •  Computer Programming 
  •  Civil Engineering
  •  Zoology 
  •  Environmental Studies
  •  Computer and Information Science
  •  Forensic Chemistry 
  •  Food Science 
  •  Forensic Science and Technology
  •  Genetics 
  •  Geology 
  •  Human Biology 
  •  Horticulture Science
  •  Mechanical Engineering 
  •  Mathematics 
  •  Mining Technology
  •  Meteorology 
  •  Molecular Biology 
  •  Nutritional Science
  •  Military Applied Science 
  •  Petroleum Technology
  •  Nuclear Physics
  •  Physics 
  •  Pharmacology 
  •  Statistics 
  •  Plant Science

How much does it cost to study STEM courses in the USA?

Here are some of the costs of studying STEM in the USA. 

University Popular Course Average Tuition Fee 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology  Physics, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering$40,000–$60,000 per year
California Institute of TechnologyPhysics, Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering$20,000–$60,000 per year
Harvard UniversityBiological Sciences, Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics$25,000–$55,000 per year
Stanford UniversityChemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Biological Sciences  $30,000–$55,000 per year 
University of California, Berkeley   Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Biological Sciences, Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics$35,000–$50,000 per year
Carnegie Mellon Universitycomputer science, robotics, engineering, and computational biology$42,000 to $55,000 per year
The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)computer science, engineering, life sciences, physics, and mathematics$13,260 to $28,314 per year for in-state students and $28,416 to $43,948 per year for out-of-state students
University of Michigan, Ann Arborengineering, computer science, mathematics, and the physical sciences$24,346 to $53,580 per year for in-state students and $47,476 to $68,526 per year for out-of-state students
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)engineering, computer science, aerospace, and other STEM fields$12,682 to $26,872 per year for in-state students and $28,568 to $35,934 per year for out-of-state students
Cornell Universityengineering, computer science, physics, biological sciences, and more$30,826 to $58,586 per year
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaignengineering, computer science, physics, chemistry, and other STEM fields$15,186 to $31,622 per year for in-state students and $28,086 to $31,622 per year for out-of-state students
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering$51,414 to $55,506 per year
University of Washingtoncomputer science, engineering, biology, chemistry, and more$16,590 to $36,282 per year for in-state students and $28,881 to $50,709 per year for out-of-state students
University of Texas at Austincomputer science, engineering, mathematics, and the physical sciences$11,448 to $22,564 per year for in-state students and $22,564 to $52,890 per year for out-of-state students
Princeton University:Mathematics and Physics, $49,450 to $56,470 per year

Note that the figures provided above are estimates. 

Contact EdXtra For Your STEM Admission in the USA 

For international students looking to study STEM courses in the USA, it can be financially demanding. At EdXtra, we understand that education should be based on the potential for value creation to build an inclusive global economy. 

Furthermore, we can help make this dream a reality by offering scholarships, loans, and work-study programs for financial assistance. Therefore, by exploring these avenues, you can focus on your studies without worrying about financial burdens.

Additionally, through our global education lending partners, we now help and support African students to fund their graduate education in the US, Canada, or the UK. You don’t need collateral or a Cosigner.

Are you an African graduate student with future career potential? The Edxtra Student Loan Support Service will provide you with the required expert support and guidance to get student loans. Our alliance with our global lending partners will help you get that education at leading international universities.

Read Alos:

Top Engineering Scholarships for International Students

Top Graduate School Scholarships and How to Apply

What Are the Highest-Paying STEM Courses in Europe?


  • Okechukwu Liberty is a Mass Communication graduate and a dedicated content writer for AfterSchoolAfrica. He holds certifications in UK Agent and Counselling, and Ethical Business Practices in International Student Recruitment, equipping him with the expertise to guide students in their academic pursuits abroad. He specializes in researching and curating scholarship and empowerment opportunities for students aspiring to study abroad.

    Content Research Writer

This post was last modified on February 5, 2024 12:05 pm
