20+ Scholarships that will Close in June 2021 for African and Developing Countries

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Every mid-month, we bring you scholarships and their deadlines 1 months ahead.

The following are scholarships offered by organisations and institutions for students from Africa and Developing Countries with application deadlines in June 2021. Some of these scholarships are offered for international students generally.

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SA-GER-CDR Masters & PhD Scholarships + Internships for African Students (Fully-funded to study in South Africa and Germany)

Application Deadline: 20th June

For applicants from Sub-Saharan African countries with an excellent academic record, the DRD – Institute of Development Research and Development offers DAAD merit scholarships per year.

MISF Du Pré Grants for Multiple Sclerosis Researchers from Developing Countries

Application Deadline: 30th June

MISF offers Du Pré Grants to MS researchers from emerging countries to enable them to make short visits to established MS research centres outside their own country,

Carnegie Mellon University Australia Masters Scholarships for International Students from Asia, South America and Africa

Application Deadline: 15th June

The scholarships are awarded to eligible students from Asia, South America and Africa and apply for Carnegie Mellon University Australia master programs.

Call for Papers: World Trade Organisation (WTO) Essay Award for Young Economists

Application Deadline: 7th June

The award aims to promote high-quality research on trade policy and international trade co-operation and to reinforce the relationship between the WTO and the academic community.

Zhengzhou University President Scholarships for International Students

Application Deadline: 15th June

To enhance international exchange & cooperation and encourage more excellent international students  to study, Zhengzhou University hereby introduces “Zhengzhou University President Scholarship”

Glenmore Medical Postgraduate Scholarship for Students in Developing Countries – University of Edinburgh, UK

Application Deadline: 4th June

The University of Edinburgh UK is offering the Glenmore Medical Postgraduate Scholarship for full-time one year Masters study at the University.

University of Edinburgh Surgery Online Global Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries

Application Deadline: 1st June

The University of Edinburgh will offer a number of scholarships for online learning Masters programmes

Application Deadline: 30th June
The Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship – African Women in STEM provides a partial tuition fee scholarship for outstanding female students from certain African countries.
Application Deadline: 30th June

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) is offering scholarships to international students who wish to study at Japanese universities as undergraduate and Masters students under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program.

KAAD Germany Research Fellowship Programme (and Masters) for Developing Countries 

Application Deadline: 30th June

The KAAD Scholarship Program is addressed to post-graduates and to academics living in their home countries who already gained professional experience and who are interested in postgraduate studies (or research stays) in Germany.

Eira Davies Under/Postgraduate Scholarship for Women in Developing Countries 

Application Deadline: 1st June

The Eira Francis Davies Scholarship by Swansea University is a full tuition fee scholarship, and will be awarded to female students demonstrating academic excellence and evidence of financial need.

Goi Peace Foundation UNESCO International Essay Contest for Young People

Application Deadline: 15th June

The Goi Peace Foundation and UNESCO are offering International Essay Contest for young people around the world. The international Essay contest is aimed to enable young people develop their full potential, as they are crucial for the shaping of our future.

University of Winnipeg President’s Scholarship for International Students

Application Deadline: 1st June

University of Winnipeg  scholarships will be given to international students who are entering any of the University’s divisions for the first time – Undergraduate, Graduate, Collegiate, Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE) or English Language Program (ELP). Applicants must be involved in activities that demonstrate leadership.

Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) Scholarship in Science, Engineering and Research

Application Deadline: 1st June

The Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) is a collaboration between the Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR), the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) to offer PhD training to be carried out in English at your chosen lab at A*STAR Research Institutes, NUS or NTU.

Scholarships in June


  • After School Africa is the go-to source for young and ambitious people looking to explore opportunities for education, development and relevance.

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