DAAD NELGA Short-stay Research Fellowship 2024 for African Researchers. Apply below.
When is Application Deadline:
14th October 2024
Table of Contents
Tell Me About DAAD NELGA Short-stay Research Fellowship:
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
(GIZ) as commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to organize support measures for the “Network of Excellence for Land Governance in Africa (NELGA)”.
NELGA is a partnership of over 70 leading African universities and research institutions with proven leadership in education,
training and research on land governance.
The objectives of NELGA are:
▪ Enhancing training opportunities and curricula on land governance in Africa;
▪ Promoting demand driven research on land policy;
▪ Connecting scholars and researchers across Africa;
▪ Creating data and information for monitoring and evaluation on land policy reforms;
▪ Strengthening policy-research linkages.
DAAD is offering research fellowships for research stays or field studies in Central Africa
Which Fields are Eligible?
Applicants must have a background in land governance/ land management or a related field (e.g. land administration, land
economics, urban and regional planning, geomatics).
Applications must cover the following key areas:
▪ Land conflict prevention
▪ Land conflict analysis
▪ Land conflict resolution
Special consideration will be given to proposals that address topics that support NELGA’sresearch initiative on “Sustainable
Management of Cross-Border Agropastoralist Conflicts in Central Africa”. A factsheet on the research initiative accompanies this announcement
Who can Apply for DAAD NELGA Short-stay Research Fellowship?
We invite staff members, students and young researchers of NELGA partner institutions with a background in land governance or a related field to apply for funding for NELGA research fellowships.
Applicants must
▪ have completed at least a first university degree (undergraduate) at a state or state-recognized institution of higher education;
▪ be enrolled or a staff member at one of the NELGA partner universities or associated institutions;
▪ return to their studies/duty station at the end of the fellowship;
▪ be nationals of an African country;
▪ be granted leave of absence by their home institution for conducting a field study
Female applicants and candidates from less privileged regions or groups are especially encouraged to apply.
Where will Award be Taken?
The fellowships are tenable in the field, at a state or state-recognized institution of higher education or a non-university research institute in Central Africa. The fellowship does not provide financial support to research at the applicant’s home institution.
How Many Awards?
Not specified
What is the Benefit of DAAD NELGA Short-stay Research Fellowship?
The fellowship consists of:
▪ a flat-rate travel allowance: EUR 280 for in-country, EUR 430 for neighbouring countries, EUR 630 for in-region, EUR 980 for out of region;
▪ a monthly research allowance of EUR 460.
The fellowship does not cover living expenses. One month after the end of the fellowship the fellow must provide a detailed report on the implementation of the research and its findings. The fellowship is not renewable. Funding is only eligible once per year, per topic and per educational stage.
How Long will Award Last?
The fellowships are tenable for a period of one up to three months, depending on the project in questions and the applicant’s timetable. Only full months are fundable. The fellowship is not renewable.
How to Apply:
Applicants will be required to:
- register online via the DAAD-Portal (if not already registered): https://portal.daad.de/
- apply online under the following link: Click here
For technical questions regarding the DAAD-Portal, please contact [email protected].
Documents to be submitted
▪ DAAD application form, duly filled (available in the DAAD-Portal);
▪ Curriculum Vitae, including list of publications (if applicable);
▪ detailed description of the research proposal and a description of previous research work (max. 10 pages);
▪ weekly schedule of planned research work;
▪ letter confirming supervision by an academic adviser at the host institute, which refers to the applicant’s
proposal and confirms that the host institute will provide a workplace (not applicable for studies in the
▪ copies of university diplomas/certificates and transcripts of record of all annual academic examinations (incl. explanation of grading system);
▪ a recent reference from a university teacher which provides information about the applicant’s qualifications
Visit Award Webpage for Details