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Horn your public speaking and presentation skills using these tips

Published by
Liberty Okechukwu
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Since public speaking and presentation are utilized in almost any field, they need to be among the most crucial professional abilities. However, it’s also one that most people are afraid of. The good news is that anyone can learn how to speak in front of a group with confidence and effectiveness.

With a little practice, you can get better at public speaking and presentation, whether you’re presenting findings to your team or breaking down complicated concepts for possible investors. I’ve included ten ways to hone your public speaking and presentation skills.

10 ways to hone your public speaking and presentation skills

1. Know your audience. 

Knowing your audience will help you feel more at ease when you present to them. In this manner, you can formulate your message in a manner that appeals to them, and you can even use comedy to defuse tense situations.

Additionally, determine how much your audience knows about the subject you will be discussing before you begin. This will dictate how much background information to provide and whether you should try to come off as formal or informal.

Consider the reactions of the group while you talk. Make the necessary adjustments to maintain eye contact with them throughout your presentation.

2. Practice. 

To be effective, even the most experienced public speaker has to practice. Perform a practice run of your speech so you can assess how well and coherently you’ve put the information together. 

While practicing in front of a mirror or with an imaginary audience may be beneficial, practicing with an encouraging friend, family member, or coworker as an audience is far more beneficial. 

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3. Make the most of your feedback.

Seek feedback, whether you’re practicing or presenting a presentation. You might be able to improve for upcoming presentations by using the specific examples provided in this constructive criticism.

If your friends tell you that you use the words “umm” or “you know” excessively, be careful not to take their criticism personally. Incorporate their critique into subsequent presentations, and express gratitude to your friend or team for their vital input.

4. Take ownership of it. 

Adding a little of your own flare or personality can help you connect with an audience more easily. Whether you’re a naturally humorous or sympathetic person, let your personality come through in your message. Be genuine and appropriate; only use humor when it will benefit rather than hinder your job.

Make sure you utilize graphics or movies to bring your PowerPoint presentation to life rather than reading it word for word if you use one while speaking. In order to allow people to get in touch with you after the presentation, you might wish to include your contact information at the conclusion.

5. Establish a personal connection.

Personal stories can improve your presentation. TED Talk presenters frequently open their talks with a brief story from their youth or a personal encounter. With the aid of this framework, they can engage the audience, convey their enthusiasm for the topic at hand, or provide an explanation of their area of expertise.

Make sure everything you discuss has a clear bearing on the subject at hand if you want to incorporate this kind of personal touch into your presentation.

6. Observe each other.

Establishing eye contact with your audience can really put you at ease, as you’ll be able to gauge whether they need more clarification or understand what you’re saying. It can make you feel more at ease making eye contact if you practice your speech or presentation beforehand.

Note that body language plays a big part in effective communication. You will feel more confident if you can make your audience feel more involved by shifting your attention around the room.

7. Make the most of the stage.

Be aware of the location of your speech before the presentation. Verify that the equipment provided is compatible with your PowerPoint presentation. Make sure you understand how the space will be organized. Inquire about any time restrictions, if anyone will be eating during your speech and the type of microphone you plan to use.

Own the space when you’re on stage. To establish eye contact with other audience members, move to various spots. Pay attention to your body language. Spread your arms apart. Maintain perfect posture by keeping your back straight. Grin.

8. Be calm.

It’s common to experience anxiety during your presentation, even if you’ve prepared beforehand. Breathe deeply when this occurs. Nobody is looking for perfection from you.

Consider strategies to manage your anxiety in advance, rather than reaching into your pockets or fiddling with your hair. Perhaps make sure to work out that morning or spend five minutes in meditation before you talk.

9. Capture your voice on camera. 

In addition to receiving feedback from friends and coworkers, you can assess yourself as you talk. Make sure your phone is set to record your speech in front of the group so you can watch it at a later time. Your tense behavior or strange language may startle you. You may discover fresh approaches to making your PowerPoint slides easier to read.

Ask your audience if you can record the meeting if you’re presenting via Zoom. Instead of dwelling on your errors, use this technology to hone your abilities and become even more productive the following time. Remain upbeat.

10. Finish strong to leave a lasting impression. 

Experts advise presenters to capture their audience’s interest in the first thirty seconds of their talks, and it makes sense to craft a strong conclusion for every presentation. This conclusion may contain the following:

  • A suggestion for the listeners is to take the following action:
  • A catchy quotation that motivates or clarifies a topic you make in your talk
  • Anecdotal evidence illustrating the significance of this matter to you
  • An overview of the key lessons learned 

Once your presentation is over, don’t forget to express gratitude to the audience for their time. If time permits, you can answer queries from the platform and welcome them to come back to you later.

Why you should improve your public speaking and presentation abilities

You can gain from having excellent public speaking and presentation abilities in the following ways:

  • Enhance collaboration and teamwork.
  • Provide solutions to issues at work and share your views.
  • Gain respect from both employers and coworkers.
  • Make ties that may open doors to new career prospects.

These abilities have many applications in different spheres of your life. By practicing clear and effective communication, you may enhance both your professional success and your relationships. 

Gaining confidence in public speaking and presentations can take time. Being willing to accept the brief discomfort that accompanies learning any new ability is essential to confidence.

Start With Us

Do you want to study abroad? Note that obtaining a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree in this field helps to improve your chances in the labor market. Studying abroad is no joke for international students due to the cost. However, you can achieve your dreams without breaking the bank by applying for student loans, which you can pay for as long as 10 years. 

MPower Finance and Prodigy Finance are some of the best student loan providers for international students. They also do not require a cosigner or collateral before an application. Reach out to us today, and let’s help you get started. 

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  • Okechukwu Liberty is a graduate of Mass Communication and a content writer for AfterSchoolAfrica. He is dedicated to researching scholarship and empowerment opportunities to students looking to study abroad.

    Content Research Writer

This post was last modified on November 3, 2023 3:30 pm


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