
5 tips to build your Emotional Intelligence in the workplace

Published by
Liberty Okechukwu
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If you spend any time in the business world, you will probably hear people discuss emotional intelligence (EI). Some people believe that EQ, a measure of emotional intelligence, is even more significant than IQ regarding hiring, management, and performance reviews. In this article, we look at five tips to build your Emotional Intelligence in the workplace.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage interpersonal relationships sensibly and sympathetically, as well as the awareness, regulation, and expression of one’s emotions. This indicates that you are able to recognize and comprehend the emotions of others as well as control and understand your own emotions, including using them to solve issues. While some psychologists think that developing your emotional intelligence is important, others think that emotional intelligence is something you either have or don’t.

Tips to Improve Emotional Intelligence

1. Show self-control.

It might be challenging to say “no” for a number of reasons, such as your desire to avoid delaying gratification, your desire to avoid upsetting people or your belief that you are better qualified than others to handle the situation. Saying “no” is a useful exercise in emotional intelligence, regardless of the cause. You’ll set an example for others with this behavior and probably feel less bitter about having to do things you never intended to do in the first place.

Try your best to say “no” in a way that respects the other person or individuals as well as yourself. Your EI and stress levels will both benefit from doing this.

2. Tell yourself the truth.

Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence. Regarding your skills, your shortcomings, and your driving forces, be truthful with yourself. Being well aware of who you are enables you to make decisions with greater assurance, as you know where you stand.

To avoid feeling under pressure from others, cultivate self-awareness and emotional intelligence (EI) to boost your confidence.

3. Make use of lifetime education.

Fearful of change, they never will be. A lifelong learning mindset exposes you to novel concepts and pursuits that deepen your understanding of the people in your immediate environment and yourself. Maintaining your curiosity and adaptability will help you identify solutions and improve your attitude toward life.

4. Understand that you are only human.

Let go of the notion that you won’t make mistakes or even that you could have performed better than your best; perfection is a delusion. Everyone makes mistakes. The belief that you could have changed the past by examining your faults is known as analysis paralysis. Rather, continue forward motion and allow yourself to be human.

5. Show empathy and forgive yourself.

Empathy is imagining yourself in another person’s shoes or viewing situations from their point of view. Really, the only lens through which we can analyze, comprehend, and interpret things is the one in which we currently live. It requires a great degree of emotional intelligence to take the time to listen intently and comprehend in a different way.

Note that we can increase our emotional intelligence (EI) by applying empathy to understand how others perceive the world.

Furthermore, it’s common knowledge that forgiveness is a challenging process that necessitates counseling, and for many individuals, it actually is. However, the first step in forgiving someone could be to just let go of your resentment toward them for cutting you off during your morning drive. Forgiveness may make you feel better because you took the time to consider the circumstances and let go of the hurt, even though it doesn’t make the wrong that was done to you right.

Extra Tip: Express Gratitude

Because gratitude has so many advantages, gratitude journals, lists, mantras, and other forms of expression are quite trendy right now. When impulse control and emotional balance are needed, gratitude fosters positivism, which is necessary. Therefore, always remember to say “thank you” for the kindness others show to you and always be thankful for the opportunities you get in life.

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  • Okechukwu Liberty is a Mass Communication graduate and a dedicated content writer for AfterSchoolAfrica. He holds certifications in UK Agent and Counselling, and Ethical Business Practices in International Student Recruitment, equipping him with the expertise to guide students in their academic pursuits abroad. He specializes in researching and curating scholarship and empowerment opportunities for students aspiring to study abroad.

    Content Research Writer

This post was last modified on November 10, 2023 2:33 pm
